Wow! Great Upgrades plus suggestions

I’m impressed with the upgrades to Luban. It was about a year ago when I last used the app and now it is much more robust with added details and organized. Wow! (I’m on the difficult side of being impressed.)

  1. Add an ability to measure X, Y, and Z distances for 3D-printer part objects. Also add an option to show the distance values of the platform grid.

  2. Most of the help information provided for the Materials and Parameters are detailed and thorough. However there are few areas where references are made to other variables that do not specify their location. I’m not sure about the best way to improve this situation; perhaps if there were online references (URLs) with forum opportunities for each description, the information could be made self correcting over time.

After using the new Luban 4.7.0 interface, I still take issue with how the variables are displayed and retained within Luban verses what is stored in an opened project file. I think that the Luban variables should not be automatically change by the project’s variables. When there are different values both the Luben and the project variables should be displayed and flagged. Both values should be changeable.