Hi all,
I guess not really a new topic but I did not find a useful answer to my question:
Is it possible to print with wood PLA on a standard A250/350 without modifying the hardware ? And if yes, which settings are you using for printing?
I am a little bit tired of searching for hints, because there are many. But most hints are rather fuzzy or require you to install a different nozzle or something else. I’d rather love to see an official statement from Snapmaker if that is possible, or if there are any recommendations provided by them.
I’d really love to print with wood PLA but I am scared of breaking hardware and/or warranty.
On the product page itself they explicitly say wood under the 3d print examples. Settings are those that your specific filament require, so try what’s on the box and tweak as needed.
Wood will wear out your nozzle a lot quicker, you can choose to use a hardened nozzle or just make sure you replace the brass ones soon enough (nozzles are consumables anyway).
I’ve printed successfully with Wood PLA, no real special settings. I just chose what was on the box.
One thing I have been finding that helps across almost all types of filaments is to have no fan for the first few layers then at a reduced % for the rest of the print. (usually 60% but Nylon I found 40% was better)