WNTD: DX print blobs

Well, I had a catastrophic failure of my own making. I tried some poly maker filament and I’ve had trouble getting it to stick. What I didn’t realize is my feed wheel was pretty gummed up. The hard part is getting the nozzles out if this happens… there are several wires around the left nozzle fan that can get caught. Also, you can’t drop the nozzle due to the cables… I ended up cutting the cable to get the blob free.

Anyways, be careful. Single extruder is happily ticking away. Magigoo seems to help the poly maker pla plus stick.

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Further bad news. It’s dead. The controller recognizes it but the left nozzle won’t heat and the right one shuts off after awhile.

Don’t do what I did. :joy:

Damn, sorry to hear. That is a loss. Maybe snapmaker can sell you some spare parts…

Let me know if you want to sell it for parts or could land it for a few days (i pay shipping both ways), I’m in the process of designing the klicky probe for dual extruder, people sent me a bunch of pictures and i’ve made some progress. But nothing like having a real thing for measurements.