Why is the J1 hot-end temp limited to 300C?

If the hot-ends come equipped with pt100 sensors, why is the temp limited to 300C? Those RTD’s are good up to 500C, so what is the limiting factor?

Mostly I guess it’s the ptfe tube in the heat break.
Ptfe fumes are toxic for birds if they become too hot.

Maybe, but the PTFE only makes contact with the top of the heat break, so it should never even get warm. If the top of the heat break or the heat sink get anywhere near 300C then you’ve got bigger problems than PTFE offgassing lol.
I don’t see any reason that the max printing temperature wasn’t set at 350C at least. It should theoretically be capable of 500C, but I can’t imagine why anyone would ever need a set point that high.
Maybe they just used cheap heater cartridges with a low rated max operating temp. Hopefully someone from Snapmaker will chime in and let me know what the limitation is so I’ll know what I need to replace.

Genuinely just curious. What do you need to print that’s over 300 C?

It’s starting above 200 degrees to be toxic.
My Google search differs from 200-280°C.
You are right, it should never be so hot…

Shoot a ticket and let us know your progress:

I print almost exclusively with PC. It is achievable at 290-300, but I would like to do some tests at higher temps and speeds. I would also like to attempt to print PEEK for specific reinforcement parts. Maybe other filaments as well that I haven’t yet learned about because I don’t currently have the capability and therefore haven’t bothered to research.

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Support said that the limitation is the heater cartridge. They are rated for 300C apparently. I’m ordering some new ones from Slice Engineering that are rated to 500C.

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