I would really like to cut the plywood mandala piece in the promo photos. Where could we get the files for the promo photo items?
Also, here is some stuff I’ve made since getting the Snapmaker 2
A jigsaw with daughter’s art, and to be painted outlet covers for a hookah bar (Egyptian Cafe in Indianapolis)
If it helps anyone, despite the low power of the spindle, it is capable of going 950 mm/min with 1.2mm depth each pass with a 3.175mm ball nose / endmill when using a soft wood like Pine. Previously I was being very conservative with the speeds and actually getting worse results. 1.5mm works too but starts to get slightly less accurate/clean.
The laser takes patience and correct settings per material to get it to cut all the way through without charring the edges, but is doable as seen with this jigsaw which is printed paper with thin wood backing. For some reason that I don’t understand, the cut went much better with the paper side facing down. Also, don’t be like me and use school glue to stick the paper to the wood