What's a good rule of thumb for Z Step per pass with laser

I’ve done a bit of basic laser cutting and engraving but am now experimenting with more materials and settings.

Presumably, the best rule of thumb for “Z Step per pass” is the thickness of the material, divided by one less than the number of passes. So for example, for a 1.5mm piece of wood, with 4 passes, it’d be 5mm per pass.
Is that correct?

How much cut depth can you get in 1 pass? then thickness/cut per pass + 1 finish pass sounds reasonable.

If you really can get 0.5mm cut in a single pass, then yea that sounds fine, 4 passes.

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Thanks for the quick reply!
What’s the best way to test how deep I can cut on a material in a single pass? Cutting a vector line isn’t going to be thick enough for callipers etc?

Sometimes I stick a thin rigid object into the kerf like a paperclip and estimate off that. More often just set it up with the settings you think will work and then see if it works. If not, smaller z step per pass. If you’re cutting plywood or a material with layers of different stuff (wood, glue, wood, glue, then wood) you’ll get different cutting rates on each layer which is sometimes hard to work with

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Great thanks, will see if I can get this to work. I’ve Cut through 2mm no problem before but this 1.7mm I’m working with at the moment is a tough little cookie