What should be done about Frequently Asked (and answered) Questions?

Things to make

| Added By | Description | External Resource |
| — | — | — |
| CthulhuLabs | Accessory mount | thingiverse.com |
| Leonardo | Battery Boxes | thingiverse.com |
| CthulhuLabs | Bit Fan | thingiverse.com |
| jstncrft | Chess Puzzle Board | thingiverse.com |
| freeman | Easy Clamp for Snapmaker | myminifactory.com |
| hank | Cookie Cutters | thingiverse.com |
| TheBum | CNC Dust Fence | thingiverse.com |
| Tone | Dial Indicator Mount - SM2 | thingiverse.com |
| doug | Dust Cover | thingiverse.com |
| Ardjan | Filament Spool & Tool Holder | thingiverse.com |
| jstncrft | Filament Spool Adapter | thingiverse.com |
| by Waldo | Honeycomb Buzzle easy puzzle to print on SnapMaker | myminifactory.com |
| Darren | LEGO mount | thingiverse.com |
| kelvin8r | Minimal Spool Guide | thingiverse.com |
| CthulhuLabs | Part Cooler Shroud | thingiverse.com |
| | [Part Cooler Shroud 2 - Fractalengineer] | thingiverse.com |
| Tone | Part Cooling Shroud 3 | thingiverse.com |
| kelvin8r | Pi Camera Mount | thingiverse.com |
| doug | R2D2 Egg Cup | thingiverse.com |
| doug | Rotary Adapter | thingiverse.com |
| Leonardo | SnapBox | thingiverse.com |
| Thingiverse Creater, royaljelly, waldo | [Snapmaker Accessories Storage Box] | thingiverse.com |
| doug | Temperature Tower - Better | thingiverse.com |
| lman | Tool Storage seat | aws1.discourse-cdn.com |
| kelvin8r | Tool Storage 2 Z top | thingiverse.com |
| jstncrft | Universal Brackets | thingiverse.com |
| Rick | Vibration Dampers | thingiverse.com |
| Various | [A broad collection of projects for the Snapmaker at Thingiverse] | thingiverse.com |

|	Added By	|	Description	|	External Resource	|	
|	---	|	---	|	---	|	
|	doug	|	[2D Chinese Dragon](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/official-ready-to-try-for-cnc/360)	|	[aws1.discourse-cdn.com](https://us1.discourse-cdn.com/flex022/uploads/snapmaker/original/1X/4775fe32df496ac9d3baaf4d9f04066346a59497.nc)	|	
|	George Guy	|	[Feeds & Speeds for Wood]	|	[cnccookbook.com](https://www.cnccookbook.com/feeds-speeds-wood/)	|	
|	Doug Parsons	|	[Plastic Cutting CNC Router Bits]	|	[amanatool.com](https://www.amanatool.com/products/cnc-router-bits/plastic-cutting-cnc-router-bits.html)	|	
|	Added By	|	Description	|	External Resource	|	
|	---	|	---	|	---	|	
|	Jihun	|	[Easy Clamp for Snapmaker](https://www.facebook.com/groups/snapmaker/permalink/597732693978381/)	|	[myminifactory.com](https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-easy-clamp-for-snapmaker-79963)	|	
|	doug	|	[Multi Color **Filament Mixer**](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/new-module-ideas/181/39?u=tone)	|	[mosaicmanufacturing.com](https://www.mosaicmanufacturing.com/)	|	
|	doug	|	[Multi Color **Filament Mixer**](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/new-module-ideas/181/39?u=tone)	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rp_Ly6K8JDc)	|	
|	daemionfox	|	[Multi Color **Print Head**](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/new-module-ideas/181/39?u=tone)	|	[newatlas.com](https://newatlas.com/diamondhotend-color-3d-printer-extruder/36950/)	|	
|	daemionfox	|	[Multi Color **Print Head**](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/new-module-ideas/181/39?u=tone)	|	[reprap.me](https://www.reprap.me/diamond-hotend.html)	|	
|	kelvin8r	|	[**OctoPi**](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/octopi-for-the-snapmaker/1523/2?u=tone)	|	[octoprint.org](https://octoprint.org/download/)	|	
|	kelvin8r	|	[**OctoPi** - OctoPrint Forum]	|	[discourse.octoprint.org](https://discourse.octoprint.org/)	|	
|	kelvin8r	|	[**OctoPi** - OctoPrint Docs]	|	[docs.octoprint.org](http://docs.octoprint.org/en/master/)	|	
|	Tone	|	[Nickle Plated Nozzle](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/changing-the-mk10-nozzle/3174/2?u=tone)	|	[amazon.com](https://www.amazon.com/Micro-Swiss-HW-NOZ-MK8-04-Resistant-Nozzles-Makerbot/dp/B01BDL4MXA)	|	
|		|	[Touchup Tool]	|	[amazon.com](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01HK4RGZU)	|	
|		|	[Touchup Tool Lower Cost]	|	[amazon.com](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075RSJ463)	|	
Things to make
|	Added By	|	Description	|	External Resource	|	
|	---	|	---	|	---	|	
|	Tone	|	[Free Block Drawing Program]	|	[app.diagrams.net](https://app.diagrams.net/)	|	
|	Tone	|	[Free Block Drawing Program]	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0qxOIP05tw)	|	
|	doug	|	[FreeCAD Manual:Preparing models for 3D printing - an interesting read, especially on converting to Meshes]	|	[freecadweb.org](https://www.freecadweb.org/wiki/Manual:Preparing_models_for_3D_printing)	|	
Things to make
|	Added By	|	Description	|	External Resource	|	
|	---	|	---	|	---	|	
|	xchrisd	|	[3d Print Guide_Walk Through](https://forum.snapmaker.com/t/3d-print-guide-walk-through/5945)	|		|	
|	Jameracho	|	[A350 3D Printing Bed Calibration Guide](https://forum.snapmaker.com/t/a350-3d-printing-bed-calibration-guide/12019)	|	[Google Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pgS8wokEOLUAfPcwFLj6HwCRgdo4pLDsS59WxE6pAi4/edit?usp=sharing)	|	
|	doug	|	[Cura Tutorial]	|	[all3dp.com](https://all3dp.com/1/cura-tutorial-software-slicer-cura-3d/)	|	
|	doug	|	[Best Glues, Epoxies, and Plastic Welds for 3D Printing - Part 1]	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZWOUpx2UDk)	|	
|	doug	|	[Getting started with Fusion 360 - a good video to start learning from]	|	[autodesk.com](https://www.autodesk.com/campaigns/fusion-360-learning/webinar-gettingstarted)	|	
|	doug	|	[**Fusion 360** - Tutorial for Absolute Beginners— Part 1]	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5bc9c3S12g)	|	
|	doug	|	[**Fusion 360** - Tutorial for Absolute Beginners— Part 2]	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXRMzJWo0-Q)	|	
|	doug	|	[**Fusion 360** - Tutorial for Absolute Beginners— Part 3]	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zS8dYA_Iluc)	|	
|	doug	|	[**Fusion 360** - Foundation Concepts - A series of great short video's]	|	[help.autodesk.com](http://help.autodesk.com/view/fusion360/ENU/)	|	
|	doug	|	[**Fusion 360** - How to create embossed text]	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrVUoln1t7s)	|	
|	doug	|	[**Fusion 360** - Split Face & Split Body]	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaUnhBef_Ac)	|	
|	doug	|	[How To - Avoid clogs with PLA Composites and all-metal hotends]	|	[proto-pasta.com](https://www.proto-pasta.com/blogs/how-to)	|	
|	doug	|	[How to Smooth PLA 3D Prints]	|	[instructables.com](http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Smooth-PLA-3D-Prints/)	|	
|	doug	|	[How to Anneal Your 3d Prints for Strength]	|	[rigid.ink](https://rigid.ink/blogs/news/how-to-anneal-your-3d-prints-for-strength)	|	
|	doug	|	[How to find the perfect temperature for your 3D prints!]	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPumsgvBt00)	|	
|	doug	|	[Painting with Oil Based Pens](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/painting-pla-plastic/1775/3?u=tone)	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5yuI-W8Phg)	|	
|	Tone	|	[Printing with Nylon]	|	[matterhackers.com](https://www.matterhackers.com/articles/printing-with-nylon)	|	
|	doug	|	[Working with PLA Filament](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/not-all-filaments-are-the-same/1755/6?u=tone)	|	[rigid.ink](https://rigid.ink/blogs/news/3d-printing-basics-how-to-get-the-best-results-with-pla-filament)	|	
|	doug	|	[The Ultimate Guide to 3D Printed Text]	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:383163)	|	
|	doug	|	[The Ultimate Guide to 3D Printed Text]	|	[xometry.com](https://www.xometry.com/blog/ultimate-guide-to-3d-printed-text)	|	
|	doug	|	[THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO 3D PRINTING]	|	[beginnersguide.io3dp.com](https://beginnersguide.io3dp.com/)	|	
|	doug	|	[3D Printing Tech Tips: Infill Percentage and Pattern Explained]	|	[3dplatform.com](https://3dplatform.com/3d-printing-tech-tips-infill-percentage-and-pattern-explained/)	|	
|	doug	|	[Temperature Towers - FINDING THE PERFECT TEMP FOR ANY FILAMENT](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/not-all-filaments-are-the-same/1755/18?u=tone)	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cAn76f4N7U)	|	
|	doug	|	[**Simplify3D** - Improved 3D Printing Success!]	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qD0sVyc9Guw)	|	
|	doug	|	[Picking a 3D printer nozzle and installing it!]	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDq1Du9gaWM)	|	
|	doug	|	[**Simplify3D** - Different Settings for Different Regions of a Model]	|	[simplify3d.com](https://www.simplify3d.com/support/articles/different-settings-for-different-regions-of-a-model/)	|	
|	doug	|	[Over-Extrusion – Tips and Tricks to Solve It]	|	[all3dp.com](https://all3dp.com/2/over-extrusion-3d-printing-tips-and-tricks-to-solve-it/)	|	
|	doug	|	[3D Printing 101: How To Fix a Clogged Nozzle Using a Cold Pull! - Suggested by James Bricknell]	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGt8cnVIKW8)	|	
|	doug	|	[Annealing PLA Prints for Strength – 2 Easy Ways]	|	[all3dp.com](https://all3dp.com/2/annealing-pla-prints-for-strength-easy-ways/)	|	
|	doug	|	[3D Printer Bed Adhesion – All You Need To Know]	|	[all3dp.com](https://all3dp.com/2/3d-printer-bed-adhesion-all-you-need-to-know/)	|	
|	doug	|	[How to Set Up OctoPrint on Raspberry Pi 3 B+ – 3 Easy Steps]	|	[all3dp.com](https://all3dp.com/2/how-to-set-up-octoprint-on-raspberry-pi-3-b-easy-steps)	|	
|	Doug Parsons	|	[**TinkerCAD** - YouTube Channel]	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4suyHp0sDoAWKmJSjR65VA/videos)	|	
|	Snapmaker	|	[How to Use the Laser Engraving Feature?]	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PSXRho7UV8)	|	
|	Snapmaker	|	[How to Use the CNC Feature?]	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BKMsWtjOPY)	|	
|	Snapmaker	|	[Remove Blob](https://snapmaker.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018957634-How-to-remove-a-blob-of-filament-on-the-hot-end-)	|		|	
|	Snapmaker	|	[Laser settings for different materials](https://snapmaker.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019025954-The-Definitive-Guide-to-Laser-Engraving-and-Cutting-with-the-Snapmaker)	|		|	
|	Snapmaker	|	[Cleaning the Linear Module](https://snapmaker.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017733294-Cleaning-the-Linear-Module)	|		|	
|	Snapmaker	|	[Leveling the Heated Bed](https://snapmaker.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015529534-3D-Printing-Leveling-the-Heated-Bed)	|		|	
|	Snapmaker	|	[What should I do if the filament is broken in the 3D Printing Module?](https://snapmaker.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018642814-What-should-I-do-if-the-filament-is-broken-in-the-3D-Printing-Module-)	|		|	
|	Snapmaker	|	[What should I do if the first layer does not stick to the heated bed?](https://snapmaker.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013696613-What-should-I-do-if-the-first-layer-does-not-stick-to-the-heated-bed-)	|		|	
|	Snapmaker	|	[What should I do if the laser engraving module cannot work anymore?](https://snapmaker.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019056053-What-should-I-do-if-the-laser-engraving-module-cannot-work-anymore-)	|		|	
|	doug	|	[The Best Way to 3D Print Threads; Nuts, and Bolts]	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HL6ppA-c5vQ)	|	
|	doug	|	[Step-by-step easy guide: designing and 3D printing threads]	|	[sculpteo.com](https://www.sculpteo.com/blog/2018/10/31/step-by-step-easy-guide-designing-and-3d-printing-threads/)	|	
|	doug	|	[3D Printing Threads and Screws – A Simple Guide]	|	[all3dp.com](https://all3dp.com/2/3d-printing-threads-and-screws-all-you-need-to-know/)	|	
|	Edwin	|	[SnapMaker Original Repair Tutorial](https://forum.snapmaker.com/t/fyi-repair-tutorial-for-snapmaker-original/5950)	|		|	
Things to make
|	Added By	|	Description	|	External Resource	|	
|	---	|	---	|	---	|	
|	Snapmaker	|	[Announcement](https://forum.snapmaker.com/t/snapmaker-luban-is-open-source-now-on-github/5601?u=tone)	|	[github.com](https://github.com/Snapmaker/Luban)	|	
|	Tone	|	[**G-code** Wiki]	|	[reprap.org](http://reprap.org/wiki/G-code)	|	
|	Tone	|	[**G-code** Wiki]	|	[marlinfw.org](http://marlinfw.org/meta/gcode/)	|	
|	Tone	|	[Releases - The most current Luban]	|	[github.com](https://github.com/Snapmaker/Luban/releases)	|	
|	Snapmaker	|	[Snapmaker G-code Google Docs Reference (incomplete)]	|	[docs.google.com](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qDBZTEdHPO59p7PcCulKvBOAjFI-U3O2RyzXJf3Rx6Q/edit#gid=0)	|	
|	Added By	|	Description	|	External Resource	|	
|	---	|	---	|	---	|	
|	Troubleshooting	|	rojaljelly	|	[Troubleshooting]	|	[aprintapro.com](https://www.aprintapro.com/printaguide/#troubleshootingrow)	|	
Things to make
|	Added By	|	Description	|	External Resource	|	
|	---	|	---	|	---	|	
|	Tone	|	[36 Colors PLA - 16' each - Includes 6 Glow in the dark]	|	[amazon.com](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B073NLZNX3)	|	
|	doug	|	[3D Printer Nozzle Comparison Guide]	|	[matterhackers.com](https://www.matterhackers.com/news/3d-printer-nozzle-comparison-guide)	|	
|	jstncrft	|	[Filament Tube](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/filament-tube-it-helps-also-filament-guide/365?u=tone)	|	[amazon.com](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M7SMLAM/ref=dp_prsubs_1)	|	
|	doug	|	[ABS Bed Adhesion Tips & Tricks]	|	[matterhackers.com](https://www.matterhackers.com/articles/printing-tips-&-tricks:-abs-bed-adhesion)	|	
|	rojaljelly	|	[Filament Properties Table]	|	[simplify3d.com](https://www.simplify3d.com/support/materials-guide/properties-table/)	|	
|	doug	|	[Free 'Beginner's Guide to 3D Printing']	|	[i.materialise.com](https://i.materialise.com/blog/beginners-guide-download)	|	
|	doug	|	[Complete 3D Printing Filament Comparison Guide - 2018]	|	[rigid.ink](https://rigid.ink/pages/filament-comparison-guide)	|	
|	doug	|	[PLA Filament Guide 2018 – Explained & Compared]	|	[all3dp.com](https://all3dp.com/1/pla-filament-3d-printing/)	|	
|	doug	|	[Complete 3D Printing Filament Comparison Guide 2019]	|	[rigid.ink](https://rigid.ink/pages/filament-comparison-guide)	|	
|	doug	|	[Print Quality Troubleshooting Guide]	|	[simplify3d.com](https://www.simplify3d.com/support/print-quality-troubleshooting/)	|	
|	doug	|	[Reviewing 30 different filaments!]	|	[toms3d.org](https://toms3d.org/2017/05/23/learned-reviewing-30-different-filaments-filaween/)	|	
|	zeveck	|	[USA Made PLA -- looks to be good quality PLA](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/random-help-ask-here/1255/5?u=tone)	|	[makergeeks.com](https://www.makergeeks.com/)	|	
|	doug	|	[Starter Temperatures & Printing Guide]	|	[filaments.ca](https://filaments.ca/pages/temperature-guide)	|	
|	doug	|	[Octin Stencil]	|	[dafont.com](https://www.dafont.com/octin-stencil-free.font)	|	
|	doug	|	[Octin Prison]	|	[dafont.com](https://www.dafont.com/octin-prison-free.font)	|	
|	doug	|	[Ultimate 3D Printing Materials Guide]	|	[simplify3d.com](https://www.simplify3d.com/support/materials-guide/)	|	
|	doug	|	[When should you upgrade the nozzle in your 3d printer?]	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35NPkN-xxqs)	|	
|	doug	|	[The 3D Printer Filament Recycler’s Guide]	|	[all3dp.com](https://all3dp.com/2/the-3d-printer-filament-recycler-s-guide/)	|	
|	doug	|	[Laser Safety]	|	[wickedlasers.com](https://www.wickedlasers.com/laser-tech/blue_light_hazard.html)	|	
|	doug	|	[3D Printer Nozzle Size & Material – What to Know & Which to Buy]	|	[all3dp.com](https://all3dp.com/2/3d-printer-nozzle-size-material-what-to-know-which-to-buy/)	|	
<details><summary>Things to make</summary>

|	Added By	|	Description	|	External Resource	|	
	|	---	|	---	|	---	|	
	|	CthulhuLabs	|	[Accessory mount](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/snapmaker-accessory-mount/1914?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2816454)	|	
	|	Leonardo	|	[Battery Boxes](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/snapmaker-showcase-battery-box/435?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2687873)	|	
	|	CthulhuLabs	|	[Bit Fan](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/blower-for-the-cnc/2030/2?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2422801)	|	
	|	jstncrft	|	[Chess Puzzle Board](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/make-a-christmas-present-for-your-loved-ones-with-the-snapmaker-and-win-a-coupon/433/6?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1505544)	|	
	|	freeman	|	[Easy Clamp for Snapmaker](https://www.facebook.com/groups/snapmaker/permalink/597732693978381/)	|	[myminifactory.com](https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-easy-clamp-for-snapmaker-79963)	|	
	|	hank	|	[Cookie Cutters](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/christmas-cookie-cutters/569?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/search/page:1?q=Cookie+Cutter&sa=&dwh=455a9efe75aadf3)	|	
	|	TheBum	|	[CNC Dust Fence](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/a-dust-cover-for-cnc-module/285/29?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2805671)	|	
	|	Tone	|	[Dial Indicator Mount - SM2](https://forum.snapmaker.com/t/on-achieving-a-perfect-level/5440)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4187251)	|	
	|	doug	|	[Dust Cover](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/a-dust-cover-for-cnc-module/285/18?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2640428)	|	
	|	Ardjan	|	[Filament Spool & Tool Holder](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/filament-guide-for-snapmaker/400/10?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2823943)	|	
	|	jstncrft	|	[Filament Spool Adapter](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/filament-spool-reel-adapter/406?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2687084)	|	
	|	by Waldo	|	[Honeycomb Buzzle easy puzzle to print on SnapMaker](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/snaplinks-wiki/2108/12)	|	[myminifactory.com](https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-67909)	|	
	|	Darren	|	[LEGO mount](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/a-lego-mount-for-name-etching/584)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2721694)	|	
	|	kelvin8r	|	[Minimal Spool Guide](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/minimal-spool-reel-guide/2302?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2844100)	|	
	|	CthulhuLabs	|	[Part Cooler Shroud](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/recommendations-for-successful-prints/2354?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2816980)	|	
	|		|	[Part Cooler Shroud 2 - Fractalengineer]	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2757461)	|	
	|	Tone	|	[Part Cooling Shroud 3](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/cooling-fan-facing-downward/2627/33?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3024111)	|	
	|	kelvin8r	|	[Pi Camera Mount](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/pi-camera-mount-holder-for-octopi-setup/2201?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2836769)	|	
	|	doug	|	[R2D2 Egg Cup](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/hi-welcome-to-our-forum-please-introduce-yourself/110/251?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:610710)	|	
	|	doug	|	[Rotary Adapter](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/new-module-ideas/181/56?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2784777)	|	
	|	Leonardo	|	[**SnapBox**](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/snapmaker-showcase-snapbox/336?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2658266)	|	
	|	Thingiverse Creater, royaljelly, waldo	|	[Snapmaker Accessories Storage Box]	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/make:491122)	|	
	|	doug	|	[Temperature Tower - Better](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/not-all-filaments-are-the-same/1755/20)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2696733)	|	
	|	lman	|	[Tool Storage seat](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/this-is-my-snapmaker-tool-storage-seat/1911?u=tone)	|	[aws1.discourse-cdn.com](https://us1.discourse-cdn.com/flex022/uploads/snapmaker/original/2X/1/12fa0c82f0cf71cb4a932d466c721a0009574ef1.stl)	|	
	|	kelvin8r	|	[Tool Storage 2 Z top](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/official-documents-tutorials/787/8?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2762355)	|	
	|	jstncrft	|	[Universal Brackets](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/snapmaker-showcase-snapblock/1145/5?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2683909)	|	
	|	Rick	|	[Vibration Dampers](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/vibration-dampeners/2219?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2830677)	|	
	|	Various	|	[A broad collection of projects for the Snapmaker at Thingiverse]	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/search?q=snapmaker&sa=&dwh=845a9ee9800566b)	|	


	|	Added By	|	Description	|	External Resource	|	
	|	---	|	---	|	---	|	
	|	doug	|	[2D Chinese Dragon](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/official-ready-to-try-for-cnc/360)	|	[aws1.discourse-cdn.com](https://us1.discourse-cdn.com/flex022/uploads/snapmaker/original/1X/4775fe32df496ac9d3baaf4d9f04066346a59497.nc)	|	
	|	George Guy	|	[Feeds & Speeds for Wood]	|	[cnccookbook.com](https://www.cnccookbook.com/feeds-speeds-wood/)	|	
	|	Doug Parsons	|	[Plastic Cutting CNC Router Bits]	|	[amanatool.com](https://www.amanatool.com/products/cnc-router-bits/plastic-cutting-cnc-router-bits.html)	|	


Had to delete some of the source, ran into the 32,000 character limit. Also ignore the obvious copy/paste of “Things to Make”

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