What are the correct factory default XY homing coordinates supposed to be? Someone posted M206 X-17 Y-8 on Facebook, but this is not correct. Since making the change my dual extruder prints the initial nozzle clearing strip just off the edge of the build plate, not up on it as it did before. I would like to change it back to what it should be.
What you are talking about is the start g-code origin, not the homing coordinates. The homing coordinates are where the machine goes when you hit the home button.
I can look up either one for you, but I first need to know which machine you have. The sinlge extruder defaults for the 350-series machines are X-10 Y-10. These can be changed in Cura, but not in Luban.
What I am looking for I guess is the starting point. With the dual extruder the machine purges a small line of filament beginning in the front left corner before it moves on to begin the printing. I do not know what this is supposed to be. I was troubleshooting a problem and was told to do a factory reset and then enter M206 X-17 Y-8. Since then, the purge is off the edge of the build plate.
BTW - Best I know, you can change it in Luban through the console, because that’s how I changed it in the first place.
Using M206 shifts the entire coordinate system, so the machine will THINK that the center of the bed is not in the actual center of the bed.
If you do another factory reset, it will erase whatever changes you made using the M206 command. You can also use the M502 command to essentially do the same thing. Keep in mind that both will erase any other custom changes that have been made and saved, such as bed level calibration data, e-steps calibration, linear advance calibration, etc, so you will have to re-calibrate all of those, or at the very least, re-input the values used.
I noticed that it uses a different position now as well. it used to print off the corner with the single extruder but now its printing on the corner itself for both nozzles. probably need to come up a new coordinate for it
did they give you a command to look up what that value was before changing it?
evidently we cannot wifi into the console during a print (anymore?) so i cant check anything right now but if u know a code to use i can run it for you when its done.
I am pretty sure you used to be able to monitor the console during printing.