Ventilation "Auto on" at start

just a short question.
Is it possible to tell Snapmaker (or even Lightburn wich I work with for Laser cutting) to turn on ventilation fan setting “on” as default when starting?
I often forget to switch it on and when I work with Lightburn the “fan on” command interrupts the laser processing.


It’s possible through firmware modification. In the controller firmware (GitHub - Snapmaker/Snapmaker2-Controller: Snapmaker2-Controller is the firmware for Snapmaker 2.0 3-in-1 3D Printers.), in the file snapmaker\src\module\toolhead_laser.cpp, modify the method void ToolHeadLaser::TurnOn() by adding the line enclosure.SetFanSpeed(100); at the end. It will make sure the fan is on when the laser is turned on.