Using OnShape with following Export Types


I just purchased the SnapMaker A350 and have been an OnShape user for many years; and would still like to be.

OnShape allows the following export types: PARASOLID, ACIS, STEP, IGES, COLLADA, GLTF, OBJ, and STL.

Problem is, I do not know how to proceed with one of the export types to get a compatible file format for the SnapMaker.

Can someone direct me on how to proceed, thank you.

Snapmaker Luban supports STL and OBJ files. You can import the files by clicking Add
image or dragging the file in the 3D working area.

Here is the user manual.


I also am an OnShape user. When I export my 3D models I export as an STL as Edwin mentioned. However one important thing is that you need to make your exporting units in millimeters. Otherwise it will think that 1 inch (or whatever unit you use) is 1 mm and your print will be too small.


Thanks Ryan, that would certainly have confused me.

Thank you Edwin, I see now; must have been doing something odd; but now able to import the STL file.

Much appreciated.

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Thanks to @RyanTuscher , Snapmaker Luban does not support inch now, and users need to export units in millimeters.

Best regards

I saw some activity in this topic last week and wanted to help out some more in case someone else runs into this issue. I made a video a while ago that way you’re able to get a visual example of this and what the solution looks like. I show how I export my models from OnShape into Luban and how to get the part to be the right size. Hopefully this will help clear things up if you encounter this!!

Hey! I got kind of a strange problem. I’ve also been using onshape a lot but the problem that I’m facing is whenever I try to get my files into snapmaker it comes up saying that it has something wrong with the g-code even though I’m doing everything right and using an stl. Do you think you know what’s wrong?