That calculator from you link is only calculating the cutting speed.
Thats the speed of your edge on the drill resulting of the rotation. It’s Missing the travel Speed of the Router itself.
youre rigth yes, but i must set first in the xml all “,” to “.”
now it works
When I create software I try to prevent similar problems
But it’s good to know that the parser for the cutting data is localization sensitive.
Hi, I am using Fusion 360 with Mac OS Catalina. I have viewed the videos on the Fusion 360 web site instructing where to find the Post Processors folder on the Mac OS. I can not find the folder for posts. This screen shot shows the folder hierarchy I find. It seems a “posts” folder should be in the
CAM 360" folder? I am using the Fusion 360 version downloaded from Autodesk, not the App Store.
Thanks in advance for helping solve this mystery.
Yes, because these folders are hidden, look for videos to open this hidden folders.
Did you carve your ornamet?
Have you some pictures?
Thanks for your reply. I should have told you that indeed I did open hidden files on my Mac prior to the screenshot I posted and still fail to find the posts folder. If anyone has added the posts to Mac OS Catalina and can direct me to the posts folder location, I would really appreciate it.
I‘ve done that and it works.
Do you restart your mac after installation?
MacintoshHD/user/fusion 360 cam/posts
Yes, I did a restart and that is the screenshot you see. I did another for fun, and the folder isn’t there. This screenshot is User-Library-Autodesk. It seems odd. You are using Catalina? I can not get the entire screenshot on a screen capture, but please believe me there are hidden files on screen. I really appreciate your help.
yes i’m using also catalina.
I had also problems with my first installation.
it’s not the folder CAM 360, it’s named fusion 360 CAM.
and it gives two folders with these name.
one have the underfolder posts.
tip it to the search field.
For fusion 360 I found that endmills do better with clearing operations and the ballnose does better with a finishing operation.
Great and how long does it work?
with the settings I had it took me in total of 17hr 46min to machne it. In fusion it was marked as some 30hrs. Then I have changed a bit the settings in Fusion and with a different setup I minimised that to 12hrrs, but the actual result on how much it will take didn’t do it. But I would assume it will take further less when one would slice it on Luban
cant i see any snapmakers machines in my library? or any of the libraries, even on fusions website?
Is there any help file for CNC in Solidworks?
If I understand this reply correctly then I can’t use the CNC function in Luban to carve a 3D relief using just Luban. I would need some other software like Fusion 3D which is quite expensive. I have designed my object in FreeCAD so that it sits below the 0 level on the Z-axis, but the code generated by Luban just carves the outline into my block of wood. Is my understanding correct?
Luban can be used for 3D reliefs. It actually does reliefs fairly well. Although the toolpaths can be rather inefficient and doesn’t allow for the tool changes that Fusion 360 does.
Fusion 360 is free for hobbyists. There are some limitations but unless you’re trying to use rotary module, nothing that’s too major.