Upgrade the Toolheads Separately with Snapmaker Firmware V1.12.0

Hello, I have already escalated it to my colleague to optimize it. Thanks for the feedback.

So Iā€™m reading this thread maybe half an hour too late. Any suggestions for the following:
I had been on version 1.11.4, never used the CNC and used the laser module maybe 2 firmware updates ago. Turned on the snapmaker and saw that new firmware (1.12.1) was available so decided to to just update over wifi, because, well, snapmaker added an update over wifi feature and the machine let me.

Am I right to assume that 1.12.1 fixed any need to download to usb?
Or do I need to roll back pre 1.12.0 then go to 1.12.0 using usb, then update all the modules (but first also complete the CNC intro process)??

Am I missing anything? Note I I donā€™t have a rotary module or emergency stop. Not sure if this matters, but it seems to be the cause for the extra effort.

To be fair, I donā€™t know the problem with cnc introduction, I only know the emergency stop button laser On issue (which is not a problem because you didnā€™t have one).

Simply update it and see what happens.
I guess you will have to update the tool heads with USB-thumb-drive.

My A350 has updatet with 1.12.1 as i buy him. I have no Problems to Update the Modules.

The new firmware requires each head/module to be updated separately. (This is the first time this has been the case) To do that it needs to be done from usb. Otherwise most updates can just be done over wifi.

Download the latest version from the website and do the upgrade as described. (download to USB and do update.

When you now connect another tool head the device will tell you that the toolhead is out of date and you need to update. So no issue youā€™ve already done one over wifi.

Does this help with the problem of the calibration being about 1cm off the left hand side of the bed when using the 3D print head?
BTW I also have major issues with the Wifi not connecting and also dropping off when attempoting to send files to it

To be honest it was not very clear to meā€¦ Donā€™t you have to command the machine to do auto levelling and would you not have already attached the relevant 3dp head to do that?

No, the auto leveling is part of the very initial setup when you first attach the print head. With the firmware update, that initial leveling check got reset, so it automatically goes through auto leveling again.
Again, the ā€œplug in, but donā€™t mount the toolhead when updating firmwareā€ trick is really only to be used if you understand whatā€™s happening. If you donā€™t, itā€™s safer to just do a complete change as if you were connecting the various heads for actual usage (so e.g., mount the laser toolhead to the machine and install the laser plates, then update the firmware on it, next do the same with the 3d head, mount it, install the heated bed and build plate, then update firmware and finally, mount the cnc head along with the cnc plate, and then update the cnc headā€™s firmware)

I just (20 Sep) updated the 3dp tool head directly from the touchscreen with the head mounted. The Snapmaker did not do any auto levelling after completing the upgrade. Hence why I do not understand this post. Maybe it used to do so before, in earlier versions?

Perhaps, I donā€™t remember, but my comment was in response to someone saying the leveling sequence for the 3dp head ran while they had the laser head mounted ('cause they plugged in 3dp with laser mounted)

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Iā€™ve finished upgrading to latest firmware and now neither the nozzle of 3D module or heating bed are actually heating.
I switched the cable with the Z cable with same result.
what can be wrong?
please help!

Hello everyone.

Iā€™m apparently a million light years behind hereā€¦

I have not done any firmware updates on my machine what so ever. (Iā€™ve had it since june '21, but I did not know this was a thing). I have now searched for a guide on how to update the firmware, as there are no ā€œfirmware-update-buttonā€ in my settings, as I can understand others have. (Shouldnā€™t Snapmaker make such a guide?)

I canā€™t tell you what version Iā€™m on, as it the firmware version just shows ā€œblankā€. Please, can anyone guide me in the right direction on how to update my firmware on my machine?

  • Jonas

Up until version 1.10 (or so) you couldnā€™t update or check firmware wirelessly.

Look for 1.13.2 (that seems to be the most stable currently. Do not use the most recent!!!)
Put that on a flash drive and you can do it from the drive. Do it once for each tool head (with power off change toolheads. Donā€™t need to mount them, just place them safely where if they do start up (they shouldnā€™t) it wonā€™t cause damage.


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Thank you S

Do the heated bed also needs to get updated? I didnā€™t have that connected as I updated the 3d module. Anyways I think the rest of the machine and the modules are now up to date (1.13.2). Controller is 4.3.2 however?

Anyways thank you for your help once again :slight_smile: . You are a real champ!

Nice day to you all.

  • Jonas

Not needed for heated bed.
Not sure about numbering for controller, but if everything else is updated Iā€™d assume itā€™s correct.


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What is this issue? I recently installed a stop button and have had issues with my laser since while using lightburn? Could my problem be related to what you mentioned?

Is 1.13.2 still most stable even since 1.14.1?

Appears to be.
And 1.13.2 is what support was telling some people on FB to revert to.
With SM I would be especially wary of the first of a major revision.

No i dont guess so.
The problem was solved i think, this issue didnā€™t appear to meā€¦

It caused laser on at emergency stop.- This is firmware and not a lightburn issue.