Up in smoke after waiting a year

@Brent113, Thank you, but I have another 3D printer, my main goal was to use the laser engraver/cutter. With that module damaged, I’m pretty much dead in the water. But, again, thank you for the response.

Depending on what you were going to be cutting, CNC might still be a viable hobby until new parts ship…

Best of luck for a speedy resolution from support :crossed_fingers:

@MooseJuice, thank you as well. Please see my response to Brent113. I’m hopeful SM monitors the forum and sees the dilemma I’m in.

They dont watch the forum much.


Hang in there!

All, thanks again for your responses and sympathy, this has been a rough month for me, my mother in the hospital with Covid-19, I had two abscessed teeth causing immense pain, got an infection and went on antibiotics which destroyed my gut health (taking probiotics and eating Greek yogurt), and had a lug-nut snap on my WRX and three other lugs loosen up requiring my car to be towed. I guess the optimist in me considers the fact the tire didn’t fly off while on the thruway was a blessing, the tooth pain is gone and I can eat and sleep again, my mother is improving, and this is only a machine things could be worse. Right?


The parts will be fixed in due time, your car will be repaired, and everyone will return to full health. I’m also am optimist :slight_smile:

Best of luck to you and your family in these times.

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Aslong as the laderdiode has the same characteristics it should work. The housing around the laser should be 3D printable. Exept its metal, then its going to be annoying. Maybe shimming the replacement would work?

Yeah that housing is a heat sink. If you could find some aluminum or copper tubing with an OD of 14mm and an ID of 12, that would probably work.

Optimists weird me out, man.

Like this?:

kind of expensive, but seems to be a regular commodity so should be findable :slight_smile:

Yup just like that! Then one would need to drill a small hole in it. So that the grub screw in the heat sink can still hold the laser housing in place. With that you could put just about any 9mm laser diode you want in the module. Of course the driver board has no max current adjustment, not sure what the max current is set to… but you could easily replace with another 1.6w or maybe even one of the 2.2w diodes and get good results.

Chinese New Year is quickly approaching too.

Does anyone know if they released the new higher powered laser yet? If I’m gonig to buy a replacement I’d like it to be the better one.

No news on this AFAIK. I doubt it will be released until 2nd half of this year

Your a real yeasayer :wink:

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Just trying to be a realist and not get peoples hopes up :stuck_out_tongue: perhaps even that is not long enough!

Hopefully they prove me wrong as I am also eager to get a higher powered laser!!

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The rotary module which actually has been announced won’t be shipping until April at earliest. And that was long rumored to be the first thing out. So there’s no way the laser module is getting released before 2nd half, and 4th quarter is probably the best hope.

The one thing that might make the laser come out faster is that it’s not a mechanical item and won’t need major software changes and improvements the way the 3rd axis does. It also really shouldn’t be a big deal to swap out a higher powered module.
They’re not going to be designing their own (at least I would sure hope not) laser unit. They just need to design a head to hold it. Hopefully they were thinking ahead and did design the SM to provide adequate power to it.

It has been more than 5 business days since Snapmaker support has responded to my inquiry. This is very frustrating, are they just going to ignore their customers?

Send a followup email. include order number and address to help expedite things.

Ive had 3 weeks before a response, but right now they have been replying to me pretty fast…

I’ve sent a followup email every day.