Hello there,
I need a hint with troubleshooting my printing head.
I started a job in the evening and let it run during the night.
The first layers went all right.
In the morning, the head was dancing above the hot plate, but spitting no filament.
I tried to draw out the filament but it was really stuck.
So I increase the temperature to maximal power and then I finally succeeded.
Then I tried turning the machine off and on and loading filament again (PLA, 200C), but its got stuck again.
I was experimenting with the temperature and loading:
220C< No loading, just grinding the filament.
220C - 250C - I still hear the crackling of grinding but the filament flows through.
250C> - The filament is flowing and with no crackling.
So I assume that there could be a problem related to the temperature sensor because the machine tells that nozzle is ready at 200C but the filament is not melting yet.
The machine is A350 and the head came with it, so it is not the upgraded one.
The filament is Nebula.
Could please anybody help me to resolve this issue???
Ok, here are some updates.
I found another hot end kit in the toolbox so I replace that and the printing seems to be working again.
So let me reformulate the questions:
- Is this issue common?
- What is the lifespan of your hot-end kits - I think mine was done after ~300hours.
- Do you apply some maintenance besides cleaning the nozzle by tweezer as suggested in the manual?
When you swapped the hot ends, did you notice whether or not the old one’s thermistor had pulled out of its hole? (It’s quite easy to do, because there’s nothing holding it there.) If that was the issue, then pushing the thermistor back into place might allow you to return the old hot end to service.
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I had a bad hotend which was clogging at the assembled one. It seemed there was a loosened ptfe tube in it. Replace and go 
This could happen from time to time, replace the nozzle or the whole hotend is normal maintenance of 3d printers.
Thank you for the answer.
The sensor was in.
I guess it would lead to over-heating (sensor out → temperature low → push more energy).
My case was more about underheating.
Thank you for the answer.
This sounds familiar.
Could you please reveal what is from time to time
I’d like to know if 300h is an ordinary value…
I have the machine since kickstarter and print with the third hotend now…
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I have too (I mean SM2), but it took me more than a year to go through my laser and CNC epochs…
Until now I didn’t need to change a thing (a few router bits and wasteboard but that doesn’t count).
I got surprised…