Good afternoon! There is a problem when printing the temperature tower in OrcaSlicer on Snapmaker J1s. The blow fans on the extruders are the same, all settings are identical. For some reason, when printing with the right extruder, the models are obtained with better quality (a specific problem with overhangs) than when printing with the left extruder. Visually below. The detail reflected both Y and XY, it doesn’t really help. I also printed two at the same time in copy mode, the same result. Swapped the fans, it doesn’t help. I don’t know what to check next yet.
Greetings, do you change the direction of the model when printing with each head.
Yes, it did not give much result
The orientation of the fans can definitely affect overhangs.
Also, for $15 ($12 right now on sale) Snapmaker has a high speed part cooling fan and duct upgrade kit. It doesn’t look like much, but I found dramatic improvement in overhangs, getting cleaner results at up to 70 degrees.
Here’s the test print used with silk pla, and the view from the bottom of two branches of it where the effect was most dramatic. The branch opposite the left extruder, and the one facing the door.
I already have high-speed fans from snapmaker) I also tried to swap them, but it didn’t work
Can you be a little more specific? How did you change the orientation?
If you want to compare the performance of the toolheads, printing in mirror mode instead of copy mode would be a good way of doing that. Or print one at a time but rotate the object 180 around z-axis between the prints…
Another Cura experimental setting I eventually found very helpful, if you’re using it, is Minimum Feature Length, I think it’s called.
For small extrusions it tells it to slow down to some percent of the print speed. I think I set it for 5mm “hole size” or 12 mm length, and speed reduction to 10%.
This helped a ton for properly cooling small overhangs and tiny points without needing to slow down the rest of the print.
This is not in Luban, and I don’t know if there’s a similar setting in Orca.
Everything turned out to be much simpler. The problem was the brass nozzle, it just wore off. I replaced the nozzles with copper, everything is fine and the temperature control is better due to its better thermal conductivity.
Thank you all for help)