Stop Option is useless

Hello… maybe this topic already discussed before… but anybody else things that a stop button (especially on cnc mode) is useless?
i run many different cnc machines for tool and die industry over 30 years, and i know, every time i have to hit a stop button, the “x”; “y”; “z” and a spindle immediately stops… but on snapmaker 2 A350 it’s finish the started line first… so why have the stop option than? I really think it’s need to be fixed… like this, away it is now… useless :man_facepalming::joy::man_shrugging:

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Yea, lol. Some people are wiring in proper push to stop buttons into the ac side of the power supply.

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yeah well it is a wrong way to do that… i can pull the main plug faster from the wall outlet :thinking::blush:
however that is not a right way to stop the machine, soon or later the stapping motor will fault out like that…
stop so posed to be mean stop x y z and spindle with no power loss, but the program have to restart from the top… the pause/halt button so posed to be stop x y z and the spindle, but you can continue with a program from the spot where you halt the machine… that’s can be fixed and set by the firmware…
cutting power to often will cause damage to the stapping motor and firmware…

They have released an official stop button. It’s still going out with the rotary module presale.


yes i saw that on line… but have to buy that, right?:thinking::man_facepalming:
why? when a machine already have a stop and pause on the controller, just need to improve the firmware for it :joy::man_shrugging:

But then they can’t make money by selling a fancy stop button.


that’s so true :joy::man_facepalming::+1: