Stop crashes SnapMaker

3D prints have failed and SM goes to home.

When I press Stop on controller it the button goes gray but nothing else happens.

I have to power OFF and ON to restart.

This happens for me too. Pause also doesn’t work. The only way I have found to successfully pause the machine (without octoprint) is by online printing, where you stay connected with Luban.

Same here. If I stop a print, I have to reboot the SM.
If I pause the print, the SM is fine, but I restarting the print never seems to work (new layers do not adhere).

Firmware has not been updated (sounds like the wifi gets hosed in the new firmware?).

Upgrade the firmware via this link and the final version of Firmware will be released on April 1st.

Still cannot Stop and return to Home screen. Things stop, but the touchscreen remains on the activity screen with Pause/Stop.

PM me the log files and I need to check the records.
You can export the log files from the touchscreen and send them to me for further analysis. Here is an image for your reference.


Same issue, but random. Sometimes Stop and Pause work fine, but it’s 50/50. Making it even more frustrating. I’m running V1.12.0

Next time this issue happens, please export the log file from the touchscreen and send it here.

  • Tell me the time the issue happened.
  • Share the filename here so that I can locate the issue.


Has this been resolved yet? If so which version? It’s beyond annoying to have to power cycle the printer every time you pause or stop a print.

It is currently working as designed. If the STOP button is pushed for any reason, the machine will stop all actions and lock until it is power cycled.

(1) We’re not talking about the physical EMERGENCY STOP button. Stop or Pause soft buttons on the controller. (2) And it happens 50% of the time. So something that random is not “working as designed”.