Still no solution for permanent fan setting...?

Hello @everyone,
I was relatively inactive for a while (summer), but now it’s starting again and I’m encountering the familiar problem that the fan control and the temperature control are not saved permanently in a print job.

What the hell!

This problem has existed since the beginning, so it’s known, but why isn’t it finally being fixed…?

Or have I missed something?

Hallo zusammen,
ich war eine Weile (Sommer) relativ inaktiv, jetzt aber geht es wieder los und stoße wieder auf das bekannte Problem, dass in einem Druckjob die Lüftersteuerung und auch die Temperatursteuerung nicht dauerhaft gespeichert werden.
Was zur Hölle!

Diese Problematik besteht seit ihrem Anbeginn, ist also bekannt, aber warum wird das nicht endlich angepasst…?

Oder habe ich etwas verpasst?


It should be possible to save it permanently, but you need to modify the G-code.

Try setting the temperature and fan speeds in Luban to your desired parameters, and then generate the G-code. If you only change the settings on the screen, it will only affect the current layer. The machine will read the G-code for the next layer, so it’s best to adjust it in Luban beforehand to make sure everything is consistent throughout the print.

Hello @ZOE,

thanks for the tip, but I know that too…
But there are situations where you have to intervene in the printing process yourself, which all the other printers I had before could do, but unfortunately not the J1.
Now I had to make three attempts and thus waste material to adjust the situation.
That not only costs money, but also resources.
Please add that to your “to be done” list, it should be adjusted.

Hallo @ZOE,

danke für den Hinweis, aber das weiß ich auch…
Es gibt aber Situationen, bei denen man im Druck selbst eingreifen muss, was auch alle anderen Drucker, die ich vorher hatte, konnten, nur leider der J1 nicht.
Jetzt musste ich drei Versuche starten und somit Material verschwenden, um die Situation anzupassen.
Das kostet nicht nur Geld, sondern auch Recurcen.
Bitte nehmt das in eurer »zu bearbeiten« Liste auf, das sollte angepasst werden.

This works on the 2.0 till you send/print a new temperature in the gcode.

Is your gcode setting the temperature more than once (or twice after the first layer, I don’t use this…)?

After thinking about this, (written the lines above for the heated bed) it might get problematic in multicolor prints/dual extruder…

May you describe your problem a bit further please?

Hi, the settings are constantly changing, as soon as it goes a step further, it always takes the values.
This means that my values ​​are not saved permanently.

At the moment it works till to the point where a new gcode temperature is sent, this would overwrite the actual setting.
For example:

;Start gcode:
M104 S210
M109 S210 ;wait for hotend

;layer 1
I set a temperature on the touchscreen now to 240
;layer 2
M104 S220
Now the new value is 220 (instead of 240 from the touchscreen) but I can save the next value on the touchscreen maybe to 230.
And so on.

This means, for Single extrusion prints, the temperature should only set one time at the beginning of a print the this would work fine on the touchscreen.

If printing with multicolor it’s not practical this way because the settings are overwritten every tool change.

What possibilities do you imagine for a change, @i3sven?

Well, I print a lot of prototypes, where I sometimes have to work my way up to the values ​​that allow me to print overhangs and other things precisely.
I can’t stop printing every time after hours because I haven’t set the exact value I need.
That’s why it’s important that a 3D printer can also spontaneously adopt and save other values.
It’s always just about the details, it just has to work.
Yes, there are test prints where you can try it out, but I don’t have the time or the inclination to do that.

Also, ich drucke sehr viele Prototypen, bei denen ich mich manchmal an die Werte herantasten muss, die es erlauben, Überhänge und anderes exakt zu drucken.
Ich kann nicht jedes Mal den Druck nach Stunden abbrechen, weil ich nicht ganz den Wert eingestellt habe, den ich benötige.
Darum ist es wichtig, dass ein 3D-Drucker auch spontan andere Werte übernehmen und speichern kann.
Es geht hier auch immer nur um Feinheiten, das muss einfach funktionieren.
Ja, dafür gibt es Testdrucke, bei denen man das ausprobieren kann, dafür habe ich aber keine Zeit und auch keine Lust.

Long story short, you would like to have the touchscreen adjustments dominating:

  • hotend temperature T1
  • hotend temperature T2
  • heated bed
  • object cooling fan (if available?)

In this case it would be necessary to think about tool changes. The dominating touchscreen would not let the hotend cool down to standby temperature.
This means it needs a special kind of print temperature, let’s say print temperature Window from 180-300°C, gcodes in this range would be overwritten by the touchscreen.

Is this in your interest and is thought about every use case? If so I would move this forward to the developement team.
This is for every 3dp machine possible and needed (2.0 doesn’t work like this and I guess Artisan and J1 too).


Yes, exactly that…
The standby temperature is of course an argument, I hadn’t even thought about that.
But it should be possible to implement a system that allows the temperature to be lowered even when the print head is in standby mode.
It’s a bit more complicated, of course, if you really think about it, but I need a solution for it.
The printing temperature itself isn’t the problem, I’ve got that under control, but the component fan is a real problem with ASA and ABS, for example.
I need some cooling for overhangs, but not for normal walls.
That caused me a real problem, because the last print with ASA unfortunately went wrong. (52 hours and wasted material)
The ventilation for the overhangs had to be running, then in the upper area, when the ceiling had to be printed, there was too much ventilation, which meant that the layers no longer adhered.

Ja, genau das …
Das mit der Stand-by-Temperatur ist natürlich ein Argument, das hatte ich gar nicht bedacht.
Aber das müsste doch zu implementieren sein, dass, wenn der Druckkopf in Wartestellung ist, trotzdem die Temperatur heruntergestellt wird.
Es ist natürlich etwas komplizierter, wenn man richtig darüber nachdenkt, aber ich benötige eine Lösung dafür.
Die Drucktemperatur ist an sich auch gar nicht das Problem, das habe ich so weit im Griff, aber der Bauteilelüfter, der ist zum Beispiel bei ASA und ABS ein echtes Problem.
Bei Überhängen brauche ich etwas Kühlung, dann bei normalen Wänden nicht mehr.
Dadurch hatte ich jetzt ein echtes Problem, denn der letzte Druck mit ASA ist leider schiefgegangen. (52 Stunden und Material umsonst)
Die Lüftung für die Überhänge musste laufen, dann im oberen Bereich, als die Decke gedruckt werden musste, war die Lüftung zu viel, wodurch die Layerhaftung nicht mehr gegeben war.

When we talk about cooling fans, do you mean the setting in your slicer?

If I think about cooling fan adjustment on the touchscreen it will stay on for 100% (whatever I set) till I edit the setting again (very long 52h print with many adjustments?) .
At this point I am wondering what you are meaning…

Do we talk about slicer (maybe Luban) or touchscreen?

I mean the settings via the touchscreen.
If I change the fan settings, they are not retained.
The settings contained in the Gcode are always adopted as soon as the print head performs the next step.
It has never been the case that it retained the fan settings, regardless of the FW.
By the way, it is the current FW.

One more note.
The component fan should, if possible, switch off the fans in the standby mode.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t do that, which used to cause problems with the old ventilation fan.


Ich meine die Einstellungen über den Touchscreen.
Wenn ich die Lüftereinstellungen verändere, bleiben diese nicht erhalten.
Es werden immer wieder die im Gcode enthaltenen Einstellungen übernommen, sobald der Druckkopf den nächsten Arbeitsschritt macht.
Das war auch noch nie so, dass er die Lüftereinstellungen behalten hatte, egal welche FW.
Übrigens ist es die aktuelle FW.

Noch eine Anmerkung.
Der Bauteilelüfter sollte nach Möglichkeit die Lüfter in der Wartestellung abschalten.
Das macht er leider auch nicht, was früher, mit dem alten Lüftungsgebläse, auch für Probleme gesorgt hat.

For my understanding you have to be a bit more precise please.

If you didn’t set your fan speeds in the gcode correctly, there are let’s say 100 possibilities, how should the touchscreen save the correct adjusted value?

From my point of view, the touchscreen could permanently override the gcode fan speeds to your desired value. But this would mean the fans are running the whole time or you have to operate on the machine.

The part cooling fan should be able to be switched off in your gcode before or while standby, isn’t it?
For the 2.0 dual extruder I could say, every command turns both part fans on/off/what else…

First of all, thank you for your help…!
So, just so we don’t misunderstand.

An example:
The print job works perfectly up to a certain point, all the print settings are fine so far.
Then comes the height at which things get complicated, and I adjust the component cooling here.
But I have to repeat this every time, at the points where the print head receives the next code command, which can also be at the same height. (Print surface concentric)
When the print head then moves to the parking position with my set fan speed, it retains the fan speed, which then only changes again when the print head does its job again.


Erst einmal, danke für deine Hilfe…!
Also, nur dass wir nicht falsch verstehen.

Ein Beispiel:
Der Druckjob arbeitet bis zu einem gewissen Punkt einwandfrei, alle Druckeinstellungen passen so weit.
Dann kommt die Höhe, an der es kompliziert wird, und ich passe die Bauteilkühlung hier an.
Das muss ich aber immer wiederholen, an den Stellen, an denen der Druckkopf den nächsten Code-Befehl bekommt, das kann auch auf der gleichen Höhe sein. (Druckoberfläche konzentrisch)
Wenn der Druckkopf mit meiner eingestellten Lüftergeschwindigkeit dann in die Parkposition fährt, behält er die Lüftergeschwindigkeit, die ändert sich dann erst wieder, wenn der Druckkopf erneut seinen Job macht.

In case this would be developed.
If you adjust the fan speed at the critical point of printing, this would mean the speed stays the same for the rest of the print.
I am not sure if this would be a good solution…

The only possible solution could be if the fanspeed gets a offset similar to the print speed (in %), this would cause a boost at certain points and would not affect no fan zones.

For the model Fan speed this is very tricky to get a solution which permanently works.
What do you think, what could be a solution?

I think your suggestion with the offset is quite good.

I am very late, but this is a strange thing to manage at print time rather than when slicing.

For such subtle things, you can also use a modifier box in Cura to highlight the region that needs special setting modifications. To be sure exactly the right area has exactly the right settings. Then I also don’t need to worry about missing the change.

It’s easily achieved using Cura modifier regions, and maybe there’s something similar in other slicers (besides Luban). You can create a box within which the defined settings are different.

As was discussed, @xchrisd is right. Unless you are doing purely single extruder jobs, there are logical conflicts the printer cannot figure out during runtime. If it is a single extruder job, one might say it is a slicer bug, not a firmware bug. That for single extruder jobs it would be better if the slicer does not assert the fan and temperature at every layer.

Even in this case, wouldn’t it still be preferable to specifically define the regions with different settings when you slice it? This also removes human error/timing while printing.

(I have done jobs where I’ve selectively modified speed for very detailed features. It’s very useful.)

I have discussed this with the developers and the offset modification is on the road map but not super prior as I understood in the discussion.

In this case, I would print everything at least with 1% fan speed so I could boost it if needed.

Let’s see.

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