I lost/misplaced the Snapmaker Original’s power cord because I replaced it with a SM2.0 that I’ve been using instead. Now I’m trying to sell the original so I was going to do a test print.
The unit powers up fine with any of the cords. When I try to bring the 3D print module to 200 degrees to change the filament, it starts heating up and gets to 85 degrees (the highest was with the new cord) and then the target temperature (previously set to 200) goes to 0 and the touch pad becomes unresponsive.
I then have to power down the machine to try again and the behavior continues consistently.
Question 1: is the cord that I purchased somehow “wrong” for the Snapmaker?
Question 2: If there is a better adapter to buy (US) is there a link for that?
I did see the prior post on this topic and tried looking for the adapter mentioned there but it is not in stock and I thought that the one I bought was equivalent if not a little better (than the 5A at least)
Question 3: Is the behavior I described due to the power cord or is this some other problem with the SM Original?
However, when I tried it out, the temperature went a little higher but then crapped out again.
Re: Using SM2’s power cord
Wow, duh. Not sure why I didn’t even think of it. I’m going to try it now on the v1 to see if it powers up and gets to temperature. If it doesn’t, then there’s likely something else at play.
Were you able to figure this out as I just received a second hand machine and have the same exact issue. Power supply shipped with device shows to be 12v 6a but it gets to similar temps and halts and becomes unresponsive until rebooted.
Thank you Phil! I appreciate your reply! I decided to jab in a power supply I had for an arcade project that had a 12 and 24 volt out. Using 12v at 8 amps was a no go but 24 at 3a and it seems to be working now. I went ahead and ordered a 5 amp version. Thanks again sir for the reply!