Snapmaker/Fusion 360 Configuration Tools

I have an A350 and using Fusion 360 Version 2.0.13881.

I have imported the Snapmaker configuration files info Fusion 360. When I try to create a post processing file I don’t get the same window that the “Fusion 360 Carving V-Bit and CNC Milling Machine Configuration” tutorial shows so I can’t select the Snapmaker library. I don’t know if its because of a different version of Fusion or not. Everything in the tutorials is the same except when the post processing window is opened.

I must be missing something. I created the setup files but I can’t generate the post processing files, because Fusion 360 doesn’t see the Snapmaker library I guess. they are there when I select the manage tool library function.

Any help would be appreciated.

Fusion 360 interface is always changing and the post-process window is definitely different starting a few months ago. SM tutorials tend to be out of date (for Luban also)

Share screenshots of tutorial vs. what you’re seeing.
