Snapmaker A350 3D printer issue

I had a power outage mid-print. When it came back on, it gave the option to continue where it left off. Only problem is it didn’t exude any of the filament. The print head moved along as if it was printing, it just wasn’t actually printing.

I am also under the impression that when the filament runs out, the print will pause and then resume when it’s reloaded. However, another print, ran out of filament and the print head co tinued as if it still had filament.

Does anyone know how to fix these issues? Or have any idea why it stops pushing out filament but moves as if it is?

Perhaps the filament inside the module is broken.

You cut off the power manually and resume it for some tests.


After the power outage issue, I restarted the whole project. It printed beautifully for 6 days, ran out of filament with less than 20 hours remaining on the project and didn’t pause.

How did you start the print? was it from Luban, the console or something else like Octoprint?
I understand filament run out only works if the print started from the touch screen.

I created the gcode in Luban, sent it to the machine via wi-fi, and started from the touchscreen

Test #1: filament running out

Sensor did not detect the filament ran out, just kept moving as if it was still printing.

Test #2: power outage

I let the print run for a few, then turned off the power. When I turned it back on, it successfully began printing again where it left off.

So one problem may have been a fluke, but the filament sensor still isn’t working.

You could do a M116 to check the end stop status.

Have a look at this, maybe you switched accidental filament runout off:

@WilliamBosacker @mlmast

I second the UPS recommendation. Mine just saved me again this afternoon during a thunderstorm with 3 minute outage. Computers keep working and prints keep running.

How do I fill out the support ticket? I think I’ve reached the end of my ability to troubleshoot. And yes, I believe I will absolutely look into getting an UPS for it. Thank you so much for your help!

I submitted. Thank you for your help!

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