what is the current procedure for stopping the repeated filament runout recovery errors…
i assume its hardware
what is the current procedure for stopping the repeated filament runout recovery errors…
i assume its hardware
They have a guide on the website for exactly this!
wonderful !
just what I neded
Well… at first glance it seemed great…
but what should M119 show before and after?
Im not sure what and when the endstop states should be.
Then there’s the question of warranty…
and does a loose switch explain why for days it works fine??
Its seems more like a cryptic crossword than a technical guide
Please post the output of m119, ist not easy to help without more infos.
will do…
Im hoping the print will finish tonight and get back to you at the latest on monday
ive tried to follow the instructions as I understand them.
Here is the finished print with many runouts and severe warping. pics show front and back with dark lines indicating runout cooling?
Other than that the quality seems not to bad !
ps prints are vertical
Hello. I recently had two 3D modules report filament runout errors that could not be fixed but reloading. (I have several snapmaker machines). Obviously the sensors were problematic. Therefore I read the information in the forum and in the Snapmaker guide. I was able to repair the sensor on one by slightly and carefully bending the spring guide but when i examined the other sensor it was obviously broken and could not be adjusted or repaired. After undoing the two metal screws I removed the black plastic housing and brass connection and reinstalled the sensor without them and without further modification. The sensor on the first module works fine (but for how long I don’t know). The second module also works fine but obviously does not report filament runout (as the sensor has been modified). To me this is a better solution than trying to make software fixes as others propose - I just have to be careful not to run large jobs with small amount of filament when using this particular module.
I had also issues with this filament runout sensor… Adventually, I found out that it was physically broken, black part was broken and it was separated from the white part in a micro switch… Anyway, one time I disabled the sensor via usb with “M412 S0” and it was ok… Then after few days I tried to print something else and I said again that filament has runout. Again, I tried to connect via usb but connection button just rotated and it didn’t make a connection anymore… I tried and I tried… …nothing. Then I opened the printer head and I soldered micro switch wires together and hoped that it will solve this issue. Nope, still active. Then I just took it off and now it works like a dream…
I didn’t open an issue with a dealer or manufacturer, this is just an opinion and example for other users who are fighting with this very sensor… Just take it off if you’ll want to avoid issues.