Mar 22 2020: Snapmaker2_V1.7.0.0
Thank you for your suggestions on how to make the Snapmaker 2.0 better. Here comes the latest version of the Snapmaker 2.0 firmware. Your feedback is always appreciated.
Main Controller
Slow down Z bump speed when homing (G28) to get better consistency.
Close FANs when stop is triggered.
Optimized bootstrap info.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that nozzle tip may hit the bed when moving to the next point in auto-leveling if probe sensor is assembled too high.
Fixed a bug that positions in manual leveling are not saved correctly.
Fixed a bug that controller may halt down when finishing print.
Fixed a bug that FANs are not recovered when recovered from Power-Loss.
Fixed a bug that machine may restart job when recovered from Power-Loss and immidiately trigger Filament runout.
Fixed a bug that home offset is cleared when resetting settings.
Added an option for turning on/off anonymous data sharing (which is on by default).
Added management pages for enclosure add-on.
Enhanced the stability of print data transmission.
Improved UX of remote access from Luban, the touchscreen will only ask for authentication once.
Optimized loggings.
Removed bed preheat at the start of print.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an incorrect Z offset calculation when modifying setting in the print.
Fixed a bug that touchscreen would popup notification indicating machine is not responding accidentally.
Fixed a bug that touchscreen crashes when parsing specific G-code headers.
Fixed a display bug that touchscreen shows 99% when print finishes.
- This firmware update is only compatible with the Snapmaker 2.0 devices.
- You can check the About page for the firmware version after the upgrade.