Snapmaker 2.0 Firmware Beta Release - v1.19.0

Hi Makers,

We’re excited to announce the beta release of our latest Snapmaker 2.0 firmware, V1.19.0, which introduces support for the Bracing Kit and 200W CNC Module. This beta version is now available for testing on all Snapmaker 2.0 machines, regardless of any installed upgrade modules or accessories.


Download from Google Drive: Snapmaker2_V1.19.0_beta

Please note that this is a beta release. We encourage users to proceed with caution and be aware of potential risks before downloading the beta version to experience it. If you prefer a more stable experience, please wait for the official firmware release notification. Thank you for your understanding and support as we work to improve our products.

Reporting Bugs

If you encounter any bugs in this beta release, please notify us by creating a post in this thread or by submitting a ticket at: Support Ticket Form

Please make sure to include ‘Beta Version’ in the Firmware Version field and provide us with as much information as possible, including the steps to replicate the issue, and attaching any relevant system logs or images/videos.


Touchscreen v1.18.7

  • Add 200W CNC Module and Bracing Kit support

  • Add support for adjusting laser shot output power settings (within a limited range)

    • You can change the settings via Settings > 20W/40W Laser Advance Settings > Laser Shot Output Power
  • Add received file shortcut in remote connection

    • File shortcut option will be available when the machine is not printing. The file will be the last received file with current connection
  • Add disable option for 20W/40W Laser Fire Sensor Sensitivity

    • Disable fire sensor sensitivity option will erase the sensitivity value
  • Optimized UI/UX when choosing update files, there will be confirm dialog when choosing update file

  • Fixed a bug that Touchscreen could not check or download new version updates in some scenario

Mainboard Changelog v4.6.6

  • Add support for Bracing Kit

  • Add support for 200W CNC Module

  • Add support for laser shot output power settings

Module Changelog v1.13.19

  • Add support for laser shot output power settings
1 Like

Curious, but what possible software/UI is required for bracing kit?

Compensation for the thicknesses of the brackets?

Ya, I guess Z is affected by them.

This is what I want to know as well. If the machine loses build volume because of the bracing kit, then it becomes quite apparent that the DIY solutions are far superior.

A machine that loses it’s advertised useability because it has to fix an overlooked inherent design flaw? That should be seen as a MAJOR issue, and NO WAY should SM be charging their customer’s money for this kit. That’s terrible business ethics.

Maybe that’s why they waited until the 200W CNC was available. They can say if you want the new CNC then the machine wasn’t originally designed to take the strain of the upgrade and so the bracing kit comes with it. If releasing the bracing kit alone they could be seen as acknowledging what others have discovered: that even the 50W CNC need bracing if you are going to use it for serious stuff.

Not even the 50W CNC; I have never even attached mine to my machine and it still has the issue (or did until I fixed it with various DIY options). The u-groove bearings in the linear modules just were’t desinged for the kind of vibrations and motion that this machine produces even with just the laser and 3DP toolheads. They’re as bad as the POM wheels on an Ender 3, but at least in that machine they are easy to replace.

I seriously doubt the lost 3-5mm of Z volume is going to affect anyone’s projects.

The 50W works perfectly fine for a lot of people, and depends on your definition of “serious”. Seriously, I’ve used it seriously for a lot of “serious” stuff, including wood, acrylic, etc.

@snapUser @Boxkite @Mxbrnr The Bracing Kit, similar to the Quick Swap Kit, is an optional add-on based on the current machine setup. These kits impact the machine’s configuration, requiring users to specify their installation status. And users will be asked to choose that from the touchscreen after firmware update. Refer to the table below for details on the work area variance.

You can learn more about the Bracing Kit in this topic:

Welcome to share your feedback on the firmware beta release in this thread.


Well I’m defintiely glad I used DIY solutions; same or better bracing and no loss of volume.

Yes, that 6mm loss is dealbreaker :roll_eyes: Is anyone CNC (or lasering) anything close to the max Z height?? Very, very doubtful.

Maybe not for you or some others, but the combination of factors just paints a further picture of carelessness and poor engineering by SM. The machine has a design flaw and their solution for fixing it is a kit that’s inferior to DIY solutions by reducing the machine’s useability, and they’ll charge you $100 for that effect. Like I said, poor business ethics; that’s the dealbreaker. Then again, it is China, and virtually the whole world knows that their overlords aren’t really concerned with ethics so long as it pads their bank account.

Needless to say, after 3yrs of ownership I am less than impressed with the machine and the company. SM is the reason I have converted to machines with full open-source designs, and my A350 is little more than a dust collecting paperweight at this point. But hey, SM has good marketing and a great unboxing experience with pleasing asthetics; that’s gotta be worth the price, right?

You know same thing happened to me. I bought an iPhone and then the very next year they came out with a better, improved model. Now my old one it basically a paperweight, and that cost more than my SM. Apple also has good marketing and a great unboxing experience with pleasing asthetics; that’s gotta be worth the price, right?

The moral of the story is… you buy what’s available now, and use it for what it is, not what it could/should have been or may become.