Snapmaker 2.0 A350 Power Supply Requirements

So my last print job just finished without incident, not even the 99% completion bug. I decided to open the power supply and I confirmed that the enclosed unit was identical to
So I decided to order this one that has 30 more watts of rated power:
It will be here Monday and I will report if there are any issues but I don’t expect any as it is a an exact physical replacement from what I can see. It is also only $28 shipped. I know it is only 30 more watts but that may be difference between a failure once in a while and a failure never which will be worth it.

One thing I don’t like about the power supply design is that the fan for the enclosed unit is covered and seems to try and flow the air from the front of the unit into the PS and then out the back. I wonder how effective it is and also the fan is loud so I wonder if the way that the unit is designed is amplifying the noise. I would think about a new case that holds a larger silent computer fan to blow air into the unit to reduce noise and improve the effectiveness of the cooling.

I also exported the logs and could not see any indication of an issue. I found the section of the log where the incident occurred and did any see any magic message:

1601556847486,2020.10.01 12:54:07.486,INFO,SC,line 49000: G1 X212.843 Y182.463 E615.14125
1601556882514,2020.10.01 12:54:42.514,INFO,SC,line 50000: G1 X111.717 Y161.843 E619.78703
1601556912568,2020.10.01 12:55:12.568,INFO,SC,line 51000: G1 X148.917 Y233.894 E624.46989
1601556962780,2020.10.01 12:56:02.780,INFO,SC,line 52000: G0 F3600 X129.358 Y221.932
1601557060396,2020.10.01 12:57:40.396,INFO,SC,line 53000: G1 X172.221 Y264.845 E659.17315
1601557148395,2020.10.01 12:59:08.395,INFO,SC,line 54000: G1 X189.357 Y231.151 E706.78116
36934,1970.01.01 00:00:36.934,INFO,SC,Application started!
37022,1970.01.01 00:00:37.022,DEBUG,SC,Reset overrides.
37558,1970.01.01 00:00:37.558,INFO,SC,Connecting serial port...
37598,1970.01.01 00:00:37.598,INFO,SC,onConnection, connected = true
37600,1970.01.01 00:00:37.600,INFO,SC,Enable heartbeat.
37603,1970.01.01 00:00:37.603,DEBUG,SC,HTTP server started.
37625,1970.01.01 00:00:37.625,DEBUG,SC,Machine model 3, size x 345 y 357 z 334
38620,1970.01.01 00:00:38.620,DEBUG,SC,Head type 1 found.
38801,1970.01.01 00:00:38.801,DEBUG,SC,Route: Create HomeFragment
38804,1970.01.01 00:00:38.804,DEBUG,SC,Route: Create LauncherFragment
1601557346038,2020.10.01 13:02:26.038,DEBUG,SC,Wi-Fi connected.
1601557346040,2020.10.01 13:02:26.040,DEBUG,SC,Start checking new version…

I can include the entire log if requested but it showed nothing interesting in that section. I am looking at the rest of the logs for how it behaves in a power outage recovery mode versus what happened here…
