Snapmaker 2.0 A350 dryer inside (official) enclosure

I would like to know if someone here get a dryer inside the Snapmaker A350 official enclosure. If yes, which dryer model ? I’m using most of time TPU filament (sometimes PETG) with the single 3D printing module.
Thank you for any reply.

I use the SUNLU dryer and it fits inside my 350 enclosure. I also use a second one sitting on top of the enclosure, feeding into the hole in the enclosure’s side panel.

Thank you Mike.
I checked the dimensions of the SnapDryer. Normally it should fit inside the enclosure next to the bed.

I made some trays for the one on top and one inside.

Interesting… As I can see the extruder can pull the filament from the dryer located on top of the enclosure.

Yes, the pulley routes it through the small hole in the back wall and I have a 3D-printed guide on top of the Z-axis column so it feeds smoothly into the top of the print head. The inside dryer (for when i use the dual print-head) doesn’t need the pulley and just feeds through the 3D-printed guide.

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Can you share a picture of the 3D-printed guide when you use the dryer inside the enclosure ?

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I am set up for the single print head at the moment. Will post the pic of the second guide when next switch print heads.

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Here is the support for the internal SunLu Dryer.

Cool ! Thank you