First the new 40W laser is amazing, a real game changer over my original 1.6W
Has anyone else noticed that the Air assist appears to shut off during cutting? I end up getting burn scorch mark when it shuts off, and I can feel that the pump actually stops as well.
I checked the gcode, and it never commands a shutoff, just stop and starts again.
Example cut below (these are ~85mm diameter circles in 6mm ply)
Hmm, I haven’t noticed this myself… That is really strange. And it looks like it is completely random when it does it. Obvious question maybe - I’m assuming the air tubing isn’t getting bent too far/blocked at certain points? I’ll keep a closer eye out on my burns to see if mine does this at all.
Agree is does seem random, at first I thought maybe it was changing direction using lots of power and browning out the pump, but then this test was a pretty easy circle all at constant power. I just did another cut this AM, and I verified that it actually seems to be about every 5 seconds (but there are periods where it seems to go longer)
I verified there was no kinks, and firmware is also up to date at Snapmaker2_V1.18.1_20231103. If others aren’t seeing it perhaps I’ll reach out to support, maybe there is something up with the pump or power supply.
I am seeing (and feeling) the same. The pump runs for usually 5 seconds, then pauses for .5 seconds before starting again. Sometimes it will run for 10 seconds, but haven’t seen longer. It is causing scorch marks in the piece.
SM 2.0 A350 + 40W + Air Purifier + Lightburn gcode
Well it sounds like I’m not alone then! I’ll put in a support ticket and see if they have an answer. I also am on a SM2.0 A350 + 40W, is everyone else with issues also on an A350?
Air pump overheating protection problem (heat protection will automatically stop at 60~70 degrees)
Troubleshooting steps:
Did it happen as soon as you start working, or after using it for a period of time? Is the air pump placed on the outside of the housing? How is the temperature of the air pump when you touch it (to check whether there is a heating problem)
Turn on the air pump directly through the G-code command to see if there will be intermittent working problems (or unplug the air pump during cutting work, measure the output of the hot bed port to see if the output voltage is stable at 24V)
Open: M8, Close: M9
I responded to support, but for others who might try this. I unplugged the air-assist during operation (using the M8 command) to monitor the 24V (which was stable), but when I went to plug it back in, the whole machine rebooted. Now I am unable to activate the air assist pump at all! I’m afraid I may have damaged something on the pump! Good news is the heated bed still appears to work fine.
Thank you for your feedback. From your test results, it seems that the problem is with the air pump. Please submit a support-ticket and we will replace you with a new air pump as soon as possible.
During testing, other users can start the air pump when the air pump is not connected, directly measure the voltage of the hot bed interface, and do not perform hot plugging for the time being.
Hi together. I’m new here. Since a couple of months I’m owner of Snapmaker 2.0 and since a couple of days I’m owner of 40w laser with air assist pump. I really like the power of the laser. Regarding the air assist pump I’ve the feeling that the pump is never switching on. The bottom side of my project looks like in Ioranger’s picture. My question: Is there a way to send a GRBL command from Luban to the machine? Which is manually switching on or off the air assist pump?
In this channel i found that the commands M8 and M9 are switching on/of the airpump. And it’s working. So the question from my side. Why does the background of my project looks like as in picture of Ioranger?
Well everyone after working with support - I received a new air assist pump, and it now appears to be working as you would expect! Thank you Snapmaker for the quick resolution!
My air assist is doing the same thing. I have found that whatever the module is that sit in the middle of the power cable is causing this but I am not sure why. Power input from the heated bed socket is constant, power out of this mid cable module is doing the cycling.
I tried my first 40W cutting today, but it seems my air assist is not working. I attached it to heated bed and in luban it is active, but I was not able to sense any vibration or see air flow. How visible is the air assist?
It is pretty quiet, so I place my hand on it to make sure it’s running. When I’m doing wood I can sometimes see the smoke being blown by the air assist. At least I think it’s the air assist and not the laser fan.
Yes - For mine it ended up needing to replaced. I contacted support and they were quick to send me a new unit after I did some of the testing above. The new unit worked exactly as expected!