Sketchup and Luban

Hello everyone.

first of I’m new to the 3d printing world.

Does anyone know if it is possible to open my Sketchup drawings in Luban to 3D print them.
If so how do i do it? Because I can’t seem to find how to do it.

Thx Arne


SketchUp STL - Import and Export STL files for 3D printing

Also recommend
Solid Inspector
Version 2 available for SketchUp 2014 and newer! Version 2 have the ability to automatically repair many manifold problems and provide better information on each error. Select a group or component and activate the tool for an analysis of what would prevent it from being a solid manifold. Alternatively, just open the group or component and activate the tool. Saves you from jumping in and out of the object while editing. Usage Click on an group or component to analyse it for holes. Use Tab (Shift+Tab) to cycle through and zoom to the errors. Use Up/Down Left/Right arrows to cycle between errors. Use Return to zoom to current error. Menus & Toolbars Tools » Solid Inspector Requirements TT_Lib² — 2.7.0 Related Links SketchUcation Forum Thread BitBucket Repository CookieWare I’d be happy if you donate a cookie (or a beer) if you find my plugins useful.


Then drop in the stl file into Luban

There are some extensions for direct g-code from sketch up, but so far I haven’t tried them.

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