Hey, i wanted to share my work and experience with simplify3d and the dual extruder on my A350.
In this path i found a few bugs in Simplify3d and even a bug in temperature parsing of the touchscreen.
These points are seperately discussed with the supports.
The main challenge with simplify3d was the toolchange, it happened on the path of the old tool and the new tool ooze was aligned on the fresh printed line of the old tool.
I found the “next_position” command by searching various forums.
This causes the toolhead to move to the ooze-shield or prime pillar where the toolchange should be made.
Unfortunately the toolhead moved back after toolchange, nearly to its old position with the new tool, producing a blob problem- false colour on this area.- >
My finding,- the setting “movement behaviour” to avoid open spaces caused to bring the toolhead back to the old area.- For now S3d V5.1.1 this setting is not possible for dual extruder printing in this setup right now:
Here the old tool (blue) moves to the prime pillar and the new tool (green) went back to the previously printed part, traveled around until it got to the (not visible) second color.
This behaviour is given to s3d support, we will see if they catch the case.- It has to be said,- this is a clear slicer issue.
Further i tested about 60 different slicer settings and scripts (unfortunately i moved in between so the testprints endet in the trash-bin…) and ended with the following,
here they are for S3d:
G1 X-15 Y-15 Z0 F1500
G92 E0 ;Zero set extruder position
G1 E30 F150 ;Feed filament to clear nozzle
G92 E0 ;Zero set extruder position
G1 X30 Y20 Z0 F1000
G1 X-15 Y-15 Z0 F1500
G1 E-[retract_distance] F[retract_speed]
G92 E0 ;Zero set extruder position
G1 E30 F150;Feed filament to clear nozzle
G92 E0 ;Zero set extruder position
G1 X20 Y30 Z0 F1500
G1 Z2 F500
;retract happens in coming toolchange
;Toolchange START
G92 E0 ; zero extruded length
G1 E-[retract_distance] F[retract_speed]
G91; Relative Positioning
G1 Z5 F[travel_speed];
G90; Absolute Positioning
G1 E-[toolchange_retract_distance] F[toolchange_retract_speed] ; toolchange retract
G92 E0 ; zero extruded length
G1 X[next_position_x] Y[next_position_y] F[travel_speed] ; move to ooze shield/prime pillar
T[new_tool] ; perform toolchange
G1 Z[next_position_z] F[travel_speed];
;G1 E[retract_distance] F[retract_speed]
G1 E[toolchange_retract_distance] F[toolchange_retract_speed] ; setting enable toolchange retract (softwarebug generates toolchangeretract only on T0)
G92 E0 ; zero extruded length
;Toolchange END
End of print:
M104 S200 T0; Tool0 reheat to do the filament retract of 15mm, to easy filament swap after print
M104 S200 T1; Tool1 reheat to do the filament retract of 15mm, to easy filament swap after print
M109 S200 T1
M109 S200 T0
G1 E-15 F1500
G92 E0 ; zero extruded length
G1 E-15 F1500
G92 E0 ; zero extruded length
M107 S0 ; turn off left extruder fan
M107 S0 P1 ; turn off right extruder fan
M104 S0 T0 ; turn off left extruder
M104 S0 T1 ; turn off right extruder
M140 S0 ; turn off heated build platform
M84 ; disable motors
Here is my printing profile, i only use the medium quality setting so i have not tweaked the others:
Snapmaker 2.0 Dual_QS_BK_Skripts.fff (67.9 KB)
I will print a dualcolor cat and add a picture in the near future.