Setting up Simplify 3D for SM2 (including FFF-File for A350)

Hi Everyone.

Last week I bought Simplify3D. A colleague of mine told me its the best slicer he ever had, doing very good support structures that are easily removable. So I thouht: Lets give it a try.
I decided to use a simple object like a 2cm cube to compare results with the slice done by Luban. In my opinion Luban is dooing a very good job its very well optimized for the snapmaker and common fillament.
Next you can see (starting from the left) the cube done with luban, the same cube done with S3D and settings provided by brent113 (but removed the backlash settings for now). Because I had some major issues I reduced the high for the next tests and after houres of testing and investigation of g-codes I got a a comparable good result.
Both cubes are good dimensioned in all directions (dindt meseared it, only compared by rotating :smile:)

Next picture is showing a direct comparison of the 2 cubes. (left Luban, right S3D).
As you can see, I got a good cube just with the basic setting of Luban (PLA, FAST).
The resulting cube with the basic S3D settings was not so good. You can see problems with the under extrusion and to few overlapping of infill and walls. The gab between inner and outer wall is not only a problem of under extrusion, as I found out later.

I lowerd the high to 7mm to get a faster result. The left one shows the next step with increased extrusion and more overlapping and on the right is my “final prototype” with the best results for now.

Details of the S3D settings

Let me explain my settings and why I chose them in that way. The order is slightly based on the order I have done them step by step.

Other than in Luban S3D often uses a base value (here “default printing speed”) and other values are only given in relation to that value. So for my “Fast” settings I chose the same speed as in Luban (3600 mm/min; Luban is using mm/s!) then I calculated the percentages for the outline and the infill underspeed. Unfortunatly S3D has no seperate setting for the inner walls, it uses the infill speed for them. X/Y and Z movement wasnt changed now maybe Z movement could also be higher (I think 1800 is used by luban). There is another speed setting for the first layer in the “Layer” tab (see below).

For “Fast” priting I chose the same settings like in Luban. So I chose 0,2400 for the layer high and I think this is the maximum you can get out of a 0,4 nozzle without bigger quality problems.
3 Layers for top, bottom and walls is good start for now and also what Luban does. Outline direction Inside-Out. A layer is allways started with the most inner wall -> outer wall -> infill.
I allways use a first layer high of 0,200mm independet from the quality setting because this is best working for my calibration behavior. With 40% speed you get 1440 mm/min for a good stickiness of the first layer. The speed setting for firt layer is not applied to the “Additions” (Skirt).
The fact that the first layer settings can only be configured in relation to normal speed and normal layer high is also the reason why the auto-config quality settings are not working for me (the percentages are not part of the quality settings). I also changed the starting point settings. That has something to do with my prefered start script. I will explain this later.

I prefer to allways have a skirt. To get a good starting extrusion and maybe a better adhesion. I increased the skirt lines for a test from 3 to 4 because I had a strange behavior but later found out it has to do with the retraction (If you set retraction it is done between every skirt line but this can be influenced: See “Advanced” and “Extruder”

I dind’t thought about or changed the briding settings. The fillament settings are adapted to my used fillament (I dont know the density so this is unchanged). Changes in diameter and density should lead to a change in amount of extrusion but you should use the setings under “Extruder” tab to correct under/over extrusion.

The nozzle diameter of the SM2 is 0,40mm. Thats a fact! The first printing result show that by default (multiplier = 0,90; Extrusion Width = Auto) the inner and outer walls seem to be not connected. This is not only because of an under extrusion but also because the “Auto” setting is leading to an bigger offset of the printed lines (0,48mm). I realy cant understand why S3D is chosing a value so much bigger then the nozzle diameter. If extrusion and speed is at an optimum the diameter of the resulting line could not be bigger then the nozzle diameter (at least not so much bigger) it would need a massiv over extrusion. Physics says that by cooling something it will shrink
 OK by principle the fillament should not shrink to much but it does at least very very little. So you should definitly set the Extrusion Width to Manual = 0,40mm and (if you ever have) compensate an over extrusion by thee multiplier.
Regarding a retraction. Maybe it can be turned off completely but I feel better to have one when the printing head travels over the field. I prefer not to retract the fillament (Distance = 0) but only lift the head. Some times a fillament retraction is not compensated correctly so it leads to a bit of missing fillament at the next printed line (maybe this can be corrected by backlash compensation but for me its easier to simply not do it).

I dindt changed to much here. Only set “Ooze Control” to “Minimum travel for retraction = 3mm”. The value can even be smaler but I set this to stop S3D doing a retraction between every skirt line (it only needs to travel 0,4mm so why does it retract at all?)

Here I changed the fill pattern to a full honeycomb to get a faster filling but I increased the filling percentage to 20% (its the same setting as the slider with hidden advanced settings).
An important change is setting the “Outline Overlap” to 55% ( It was set to 20% by default I think). I verified this value by looking into the g-code Luban produces. This will perfectly close the gaps between infill and inner wall.

The extruder temp is dempenting on yout used fillament. The white one I used here is best printed with 205°C.
My default heating bed temps are 70°C (just set it to 71°C to test if the SM2 realy show me the value I have set here) for the first layer an 50°C for the rest of the print.

I missed a screenshot here but I din’t change it.

I also dont have a picture here but evrything was truned off here. A simple cube does not need a supprting structure :smile:.

I only changed the dimension of the build volume here.

Starting Script
I modified brent113 starting code to get a behavior thats like Luban does. I like starting in the lower left corner to extrude some filament off the printing bed and then wiping it at the corner. Thanks @brent113 for showing how to use the variables for the temp settings here I would have searched forever maybe.

End Script
I changed to code here also a bit. Just as I re-read I am not sure about the M107 and what fan it turns off
 have to check this again. The rest turns off the heatings retracts some fillament and the head. Finaly its moves the head to the home to get good access to the printed object.

Final words
So thats it for now. With this settings I got pretty good results for fast printing, comparable with the results of Luban. All in all I have to state that Luban does a very good job and at the moment I don’t see a reason (for myself) to do everything with S3D. I will definitly try slicing some parts that need supports to compare this results as well.
For printing I imported the g-code to Luban and used WiFi upload. I din’t tried to a direct connection.
I also had general issues with S3D getting it to run. In the first days I had permanent freezing issues that where caused by the NVidia driver and some strange overlay setting. I needed to do a manual update of the driver and disable some background services. Don’t know what exactly finaly did the trick.

Thanks for reading,

PS: Use the FFF file on your own risk. It may contain mistakes.
A350_my.fff (12.6 KB)


Now print something like this in Luban then Simplify3d:

Hi MooseJuice,

Ok I found it on thingiverse. Its very smal but shouldn’t be a big chalenge for the printer (Maybe I should double the size). Maybe some supports are needed for the ears and hands. Or should I even try without?
I will do it this evening
 after leveling my bed, again
 with good results hopefully.


Yeah I made this model double sized too

You will need to use supports for the ears and the hand

The support structures in S3D are driving me crazy even with a doubled size the preview shows much to small pilars or even nothing at needed positions
 I dind’t got them working today I allways get a big blob of fillament placed somewhere. I found no options to customize the supports (except a resultion). The structures look like a 3 year old kid did them with a crayon and nothing in comparison to the one Luban is creating. Currently I am not understanding why this tool is beloved by so many people. I think I will request a refund, it shouldn’t be to late.

Feel free to, but here is some guidance on how to get to edit the support structures.

Note, they dont use pillars, they use little zigzag accordians which remove very nicely from the part.

I actually like them they are cool, here are some from a large wood pla object i printed

plus you can manually add stuff if you want to and fine tune the spacing on it and so forth.

Oh by the way, I was just reading your initial post more closely, and i think this might be of interest to you:

This button: image

I usually generate automatic supports, then verify it looks reasonable, removing or adding where necessary. From ‘build plate only’ or ‘normal’ will depend on the model geometry and what you’re trying to achieve. Most of my prints are from build plate only for auto, and I’ll manually add specific supports where needed elsewhere.

I will try again tomorrow. I thought it need to be done with this small dialog from the main window
 now its working better and preview looks reasonable. Thx for the hint. Do I need a raft for better sticking supports? In my first test I had the feeling they where not sticking at all.

There is a “support brim” type scenario, the green outlines actually acts like that underneath your supports on the picture you shared. that can be adjusted to be further out as well.

May not need to but I like to have a good footprint on the sheet to avoid any problems.


Since the brims/skirts are so relatively quick it doesnt hurt to add to it some.

I personally use a LOT of skirt outlines to prime the nozzle more, but thats just from knowing that my machine sucks for a few inches.

You should not require a raft for this print.

Printer is running now
 did I ever mentioned that I hate my printing bed?
The first layers are done at looks like its getting good. Only problem at the beginning was that the baselines/firs layer of the supports still are fired out at full speed and only sticking with luck (some blobs of filament at some places). After some layers its finding his way

Isn’t there a way to use the same speed reduction for the first support layers as for the “normal” first layers?

Are you describing round, not squished, extrusions? If so speed won’t help with that, that’s a Z height thing, which I’m sure you’re already aware. Regardless, if you just want to do a test, you can run the gcode from within the S3D machine control panel and use the speed controller to temporarily slow it down and see if it makes a difference. If it does make a difference let me know and we can work though how to make that change permanent.

Alternatively you can do the equivalent by issuing an M220 S50 in Luban over USB or Wifi to make it run at 50%, and M220 S100 to run at 100%

You are using S3D to control the snapmaker? I figured that would not work and didnt bother to try.

It does work. I don’t do it usually. But if you prefer it, all you lose is filament runout and power loss recovery. It would be equivalent to running from within Luban.

I think the machine control interface in S3D is far superior to Luban - I’ll hook that up via USB while running a print from the touchscreen, that works too. Then you lose nothing, and gain convenient dials for speed and flow control, and also a temp graph.

That control interface is how I recovered a failed print - I kept that screen up and every time I walked past the room I would adjust the flow percent slightly. Originally it failed from over extrusion, clogging the nozzle. So I restarted at the same place it left off, but then had to adjust the flow carefully so it wouldn’t overextrude again. It worked!

That’s pretty dope!!

In the mean time, two years passed 
 has anyone tried the dual printhead on the A350 with S3D?
Elaborated some FFF file?
It seems there is no easy way to have a part printed with nozzle 1 and support with nozzle 2 automatically.

S3D (5.0.2 btw.) suggests having different parts for this, which makes its automatic support generator obsolete and hands over the work to be done from within the underlying CAD.

I am in the process of printing dual material - carbon fiber reinforced PLA (1) and standard PLA (2). Different temperatures, flow rates, speed and so on. I’m aiming for soluble support material to eliminate the break-away-gap between support and part for more precise bottom surfaces.

Im trying to hash out the priming for nozzle 2 right now on simplify 3d

its working well for me, i can give you my profile to start with but i dont have all the kinks worked out on priming

use this one for an example
Dual Extruder.fff (51.0 KB)

If you use this for an example you will see how I set up for supports on nozzle 2 and normal job on nozzle 1, you have to define the nozzles on extruder list then you can specify what each nozzle does in the various tabs.

And yeah mine is the A350 so the profile should be good for you

I am using leftie for the skirt and the model, and rightie for raft and support

Thanks a lot, I’ll give that a try.

Once I had the multi-nozzle thingie running (two models as requested, saved profile), there were plenty of advanced options where I could designate the different nozzles to various parts of the print job.
Unfortunately, I can neither connect via WiFi nor USB to see what is going on 
 the print jobs I tried so far seemed to be set up correctly but printed only using one nozzle nonetheless.

I have to wait another 56 hours until the job actually running finishes 
 again, only single-nozzled.


I’ve asked at simplify3D technical support for a >.fff profile file for the new snapmaker A350 dual extrusion module
Find hereafter their answer with the profile they made:

Blockquote Thank you for your question. I am happy to help. We have been working on a profile for this upgrade, but have not had a chance to test it. If you would like to try it, I have attached the profile. Please let me know how this works for you. Follow these steps to import and use the profile:

  1. Download the attached file.
  2. Open Simplify3D, go to File > Import Printer Profiles, and navigate to the saved profile. This will import the settings into the software.
  3. To start using these new settings, click Edit Process Settings, and choose the new entry at the very bottom of the Select Profile drop down list.


Snapmaker_2Dual_LeftExtruder_PLA.fff (40.7 KB)
I’ll test it this weekend.

I could ahve shared mine with you

FYI you can even address estep differences on the tool change section

{IF NEWTOOL=0}M92 E675.57677 ;(Value for PETG at 255 degrees (10 above print)

{IF NEWTOOL=1}M92 E651.47541;(Value for Breakaway PLA at 235 degrees (10 above print)

with that said i will take a look at it to see if i can get anything better going

thanks for sharing

As already mentioned in another post I did some investigation to having reliable workarea settings in Simplify3D for my A350 using dual extruder and quick swap kit.
Look here:

As I was not using Simplify3D since dual extruder is available I had to do also some more basic investigations on how to get reliable printig results with it at all.
I started with the “official” dual extruder settings and reworked it a bit.
I only did some simple objects and run into several problems that my resume is that I can not recommend using Simplify3D for dual extrusion jobs using PLA and Breakaway PLA for supports. (Others may work better but I would not realy expect).
The prime towers are not very well working. As it does 2 separte towers/blocks you should consider a ooze shild in addition. The towers can not be freely placed and are very close to the printed object.
Tool change is done over the object and you can end up with some oozed out blobs from the other extruder hanging on your object.
The tower of the breakaway PLA is very instable and not sticking very well to the bed after some countermeseares the only reliable solution was printing on a raft of breakaway PLA.
As the scripting possibilities of Simplify3D are not discribed very well, and how to use variables (and an official list of available variables) is not described at all (but thats no news), it is a bit tricky to implement own scripts.

You will find my settings enclosed:
Snapmaker 2.0 Dual_QS.fff (44.4 KB)