Simple drill pattern

I have a 1/4" (6.35mm :joy:) ball end router and I want to make a simple regular pattern of drilled holes of a regular depth (6.35mm again :joy:). Does anyone know how to coax Snapmaker Luban into doing that?

Using luban only might be kinda hard, since you’d have to draw out a bunch of tiny dots.

I would instead use inkscape, and make your pattern of dots probably using pattern along a path , save as SVG at mm scale then import that into luban, and it should be good to go (in the “process” tab, you can set your target depth to 6.35mm).

The proper way to do it would probably be to use some 3d modeling software like fusion 360. See my answer to a previous poster about how to do that here: Using the CNC to drill holes along a specified path - #6 by chemist

Also also, as an FYI, the whole CNC/3dp/laser world seems to mostly operate in metric, I’d get used to that since it’ll make things more intuitive (I’m still trying to intuit how big a centimeter is, but at least always designing/sourcing in metric has just made life easier for me).