Shifting layers - what's this about a silicon pad in the linear modules?


I am having issues suddenly with layers shifting on my print.

The first model i chalked up to a drag of the nozzle shifting the print plate, although the magnetic sheet still seemed aligned as i always place it. It was quite minor. I actually scrapped and restarted the print and it and i didnt realize it but it had done it again, but i just let it go because it was right on a transition and didn’t matter much. about 1 mm to the right.

The next model was at roughly the same height, maybe 1mm to the left. that of course was in 25% of the way thru a 9 hour print that i was running while sleeping. There are two separate partson this print, both shifted the same amount, both parts firmly adhered to the bed and the print sheet in its proper resting place. These were half domes of a hot air balloon, sturdy solid large objects.

So i know i had seen about a silicon pad in the rail that can be misaligned or something that causes the stepper to overheat and miss steps. i found a link on a forum post someplace about it, but it just brings up the snapmaker support page and i can only assume snapmaker removed the link because they dont want people taking their rails apart.

Anyone have any info saved up about this procedure?

Why does this keep happening!!!

Gcode file appears to be too large to upload.

Preview of exact gcode file used

I’ll add I had successfully printed this model in the past.

As you mentioned, there is a thermal pad between the driver ic and the outer casing to allow heat transfere. Atleast once, the missing of said pad or misssalignment of said pad was reported. Its a relativ standart thickness, so less of a problem. Iirc if you open your modules without support telling you to do so, your warranty is gone.
Not having seen the project sofar on my prints, maybe lowering printspeed and more ventilation over the whole printer might get the problem less often to ocure? At some point ill have a look into my modules to see if everything is good in there.

I guess what I will do is trade modules to see if the issue persists… as i have spare i ordered…

the problem i face is i dont know what module is acting up… because it is happening on the left right direction but at the same elevation

Left/right as in, the toolhead mount? Which would be the X axis, forward backwards would be Y.
Judging from your pics, it would be X

That is correct, X axis. Toolhead mount.

I was printing a 72 hour print of a full size tool holder and playing around with manual adjustment of the print speeds. I didn’t notice on the first few layers because it recovered, when I got a a few mm shift in the X-direction an maybe (?) a mm in the Y . However with 4 hours to go, I got a full centimeter or more shift left. This happened the first time, when I went to 0% speed by mistake, and the second time, when I decreased from 500% too fast. If I do smaller 20% speed shifts it seems ok, but if I run through too fast to either extreme, there is a slip in the gears, or something that messes with the location sync.

I’m not sure this helps, but I just experienced it today.
