Got a set of ER11 collets and some different v bits for carving - any idea why Luban will not allow for a cutting diameter over 10mm? I need to enter 12.7mm for a 1/4" x1/2" v bit. It is possible to enter the 6.35mm shaft diameter and 90 degree point angle. Another point - if I enter the parameters for a smaller diameter v bit the carving paths look fine but the simulation view does not look correct - appears like what you would expect from a flat end mill.
Hi john, i am having the same problem here. Did you find a solution yet?
No, I have not… did you figure out a fix?
The solution is to use Fusion 360.
Luban is pretty useless if you try to do anything other than reliefs. It isn’t made to work with non- SM bits or multiple bits or toolpaths.
On the technical side, the geometry of any 30º bit is going to be the same. So as long as your cutting depth isn’t greater than the cutting length of the bit you’re selecting in Luban, the result will be the same. It doesn’t matter if the shaft diameter is 3mm or 25mm.
I haven’t tried myself but Aspire and Vcarve Pro are also alternatives to use on your SM. I’ve used Vcarve Pro for many years on other CNCs and it’s the best thing since sliced bread.
Fusion is free and Aspire/Vcarve aren’t cheap. $2k/$700 respectively.
And they’re pc only.
Fusion 360 is free for personal use and it has a 10 save file limit and forces internet connectivity. Aspire and vcarve are expensive but for generating 2D and 2.5D tool paths for CNC routers it’s head and shoulders above Fusion 360. With that said I use Fusion 360 a lot, especially for making 3D models.
Not exactly. 10 active files is the limit. You can archive files when you are done and have well over 10 total files. Also you can save the f3d files to your computer and import in the future.
Thanks, good to know. Still a bit of a pain but considering the software is free for personal use you can’t really complain.
You don’t even have to archive.
You just can only edit 10 files at a time. Otherwise they’re read-only.
Just have to go in and toggle ‘editable’ to be able to change them.