I have many questions. I am new to CNC machining with Snapmaker, but I do have come CNC experience, along with many years of CAD experience with Catia and ProE.
What is the secret to get Luban to create gcode (.cnc) that is actually the correct size?
I am trying to create some simple shapes, specifically a circle. When I load a DXF, the line weight is so thick. (DXF file is set to line weight 0) Punch in the correct dimensions, and when processing the image is smaller. No way to know what the actual dimensions will be. Luban will not allow you to adjust size in “Process” mode. (you have to guess by looking at the grid). Tried generating gcode in MeshCAM but MeshCAM will not output any gcode that Snapmaker recognizes. Tried loading a STL file but after sitting on it for a while, Luban says it can’s parse the file. Also tried converting my DXF to SVG. That was even worse. The SVG file had a “frame” around the image that was useless
Only way I can do this is to process the DXF, cut a piece, measure it, then figure out the percentage and correct the dimensions on the edit screen. this means doing everything twice. Not going to use Fusion.(don’t even ask)
Is there some sort of trick?
What CAM (inexpensive) programs output gcode that Snapmaker understands? Can I modify the DXF file somehow?
I am making parts that will fit into an assembly, I need the correct size without doing it twice if possible.
Thanks in advance!
I have to admit that I consider myself much more of a beginner than you, given your previous CNC/CAD experience…
But I will tell you that I sympathize. I had all sorts of odd behavior trying to use Luban for CNC beyond the original smartphone holder (test cut). I have been using FreeCAD instead. I’m not yet exercising it very hard, but for simple things like cutouts, notches, engraving letters/text, etc. I’m having much better luck.
Stay engaged with the community, there are some pretty amazing people hanging around here.
I’ve been using Fusion360 (free version), and it seems to be pretty good for CAM operations. Generate the toolpaths there, import into Luban to send to SM, and that’s it. Size is based on the size in fusion, and I’ve had better luck setting the coordinate origin to the top corner of the stock. Only tried a couple of CNC passes so far though, so far from an expert.
The thing with DXF and SVG files not being the expected size when imported into Luban is a known bug, introduced a few versions ago. Older versions may get the size right, but have other bugs/missing features.
The Snapmaker speaks the Marlin dialect of g-code, so you can use any program that outputs that to generate g-code for it. I also wrote a converter for the grbl dialect—it works at least somewhat on output for Carbide Create, and may help with that from other programs.
Since I am just retired, I bought Alibre CAD. It is similar in mechanics to ProE (Parametric) For simple DXF files I am using DesignCAD. When you use FreeCAD, are your patterns coming out the correct size? Maybe it is the flavor of output that is the difference.
Just kinda jumpin in here but one other thing
3d printing is all metric, so your drawing should be based on metric dimensions or you may have to multiply by 2540 or whatever it is to be the correct size.