Having finally set up my Artisan, I tried to print the pencil holder. Everything goes fine until about 23%, when it first starts to use the second nozzle and the support material.
At this point, the nozzle starts clipping the top of the print when it’s using the primary material. It makes a horrible clunk and tears the edges of the print.
I stopped the print, and recalibrated everything. Started it again, and had the same problem at the same point. Paused the print and used the manual adjustments to move the nozzle up the max 0.5mm and that reduced the problem, but there was still some clipping.
Sometimes this is a problem of the print itself: If you have warping, i.e. an uplifting of the printed plastic due to uneven cooling, it may be that the print collides with the nozzle. With the Snapmaker 2.0 it usually caused a dislocation of the whole print sheet, or it rips off the print from the print surface. Here’s a bit more on Warping: Warping | Simplify3D Software
Still, I may be completely wrong and you have other issues. Some users report that too much pull on the filament from an slightly obstructed filament tube/path can pull up the nozzle, which I can imagine may in the end cause unpredictable Z-heights.
I mean, this is my first print. It’s a stock print out of Luban. So even if I knew enough to be trying a different slicer, I would hope that a print that comes with Luban and this printer would actually work reasonably well out of the box.
I’m gonna guess this is a problem with your z offset calibration. What are you using to establish the offset from the bed? The card that came with the machine? If so try using a .20mm feeler gauge. I’m not sure why but it seems like whenever I try to calibrate using the card I get issues.