Snapmaker Artisan Dual Extruder Nozzle drool

I’m new here and haven’t found anything suitable for my topic in the search.
I have the problem with my Artisan that my nozzles push out a relatively large amount of filament after the nozzle change. This doesn’t really bother me when printing with just one material, but now I want to print with support and I’m having massive problems, the residue that still flows out of the nozzle always gets caught in my part, as well as in the Prime Tower, I’ve even had the problem that the Prime tower has been completely torn off because of this.

Now to my question, have any of you also had this problem and possibly found a solution?
My nozzles are not blocked, that’s not the problem.

Greetings Jan

Try upping your temp for the problem side a little, maybe 5 degrees or so. It is probably oozing rather than running, is that makes sense.
You need it to be a little less viscous.

Ooze is a difficult thing to avoid. One thing you could try doing is removing the silicon socks from the hot ends. They hold the heat in, so when they’re not there the hot end will cool down quicker when it’s idle.

The other option is to print with an ooze shield.

Hello, thank you very much for your answer, can you possibly tell me what values you print PLA and PETG with?
So that I have a point of reference.
Greetings Jan

Hello, thank you too for your answer, I will try both, thank you very much.
Greetings Jan