Hello, I have a problem with my Snapmaker 2.0 and Lightburn. I can connect and control everything via USB, but after the first contour has been cut, the laser switches off and moves to the next contour without a laser beam.
This seems a lightburn problem.
Is it turned on in the gcode on the second contour?
Maybe this guide helps:
When I updated lightburn to 1.5, I could control everything normally with the move controls and even the fire button, but when I hit start, it would just sit there and nothing would happen. I had an install file for 1.4.05 so I put that back on and everything worked with out issue. Something they did when they updated the app messed up the communication. If I get a chance to find a better solution, I will post it, but that was my temporary solution.
I have the same problem.
Maybe this will help:
I was also experiencing the laser power dropping to 0 after the first path(s). In Lightburn, Device Settings, GCode panel, enable the option “Emit S value with every G1 command” and you’ll be operational again.
I will test it. Thank you so much. Snapmaker Support wasn’t helpful
Problem is solved😊
Thank you very much!