Prize Quiz: Giveaway🙌


A350T would be a really nice prize :crossed_fingers: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Hi @Wilsoa45

According to the rules, the official giveaway activity is conducted through comments here: Snapmaker Mystery Bag Giveaway! :tada: - Snapmaker Showcase - Snapmaker: where creation happens.

Could you please repost your comment on this thread?

Perhaps one of the laser heads? I would personally be hoping for a dual print head or rotary module.

Filament dryer

I was hoping for a vacuum system for the cnc but my final answer is… Filament Dryer. That will solve quite a few of the existing concerns regarding 3D-printing. My two fully-upgraded A350s are great machines as long as they’re “fed” and maintained properly.

My Snapmaker Original :slight_smile: My OCD is loving the build quality :heart::heart::heart:


I always liked the enclosure for the OG Snapmaker. Also, nice anime posters, you have good taste :ok_hand:


New machine​:fire::fire: or a new add-on

I’m going with the soon-to-be-released Holographic 4-d printing module that turns my Snappy into a 4-in1 printer. Soon we will be able to “print” a holographic image that doesn’t require a projection device to be viewed. This new technology will be revolutionary and Snappy makers will be seen as leading innovators as they bring products never before imagined to the global marketplace.

Thank you! Demon Slayer, Ju-jitsu Kaisen & Attack on Titan :heart::heart::heart:

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