Mystery bag received ✅

Today I received the mystery bag that I won in the pre-giveaway raffle! The bag I received is strangely shaped like a big, heavy box…

Thanks @Zoe and the rest of the Snapmaker team for the generosity! Now to clean up my workspace so I can actually unpack it… :smiling_face_with_tear:


Congratulations, Mayco! What a spectacular win! I’m sure you’ll put it to great use.


Congrats! A F350?! That’s an amazing prize.


Congratulations!!! I wish I had one too! :blush: JK.


I got 3x 3pc 80x80x2mm carbon fibre sheets. Thanks snapmaker!
Gratulation @Mayco to your spectacular surprise!


Not sure what I’m getting, but UPS tracking says it’s 62.8 pounds.


Me too! It arrives Monday. Also just got an email that my infrared laser is ready to ship, so it’s going to be Christmas next week


I received my mystery package today. Imagine my shock when I discovered that it was an A350T. I suspect they have a bunch of stock of old configurations and they’re looking for a tax write-off. It has the old low power CNC module, 1.6W laser module, and single-extrusion module. I’m planning to give it to my roommate so she doesn’t have to worry about interrupting my use of my Artisan.

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It’s not stock old configuration, that’s just the A350T package. The 10/20/40W Laser, 200W spindle, and dual extruder are all upgrade modules for the 2.0 line.

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I haven’t checked, but it may not have the Quick Swap plates. Not that I’m complaining. It was free.

A350T is different from the A350 only in that it has the new linear modules and a silent PSU. Only difference from the Kickstarter model is that the 3D print module is improved (airflow), but I think they include that in the A350 package now too. 1.6W laser, 50W CNC module and single nozzle 3D print module are all part of the standard package you can buy right now. Bracing/Quick Swap kits and other modules are upgrades.

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There are a few subtle changes between revisions, even before the AT. My old A350 was post-kickstarter and it came with the upgraded single extruder and the bed platform was the full cast square instead of the spiky kickstarter one.


Mine is out for delivery but has the same exact weight, :crossed_fingers:

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@Zoe got mine in the mail yesterday. F350! The package was a bit worse for wear, but the parts seem to be OK!


A350T! WOW! Very cool!! Now where to put it?