Prize Quiz: Giveaway🙌

:sparkles: We will be hosting a Giveaway soon. Guess what the prize will be! :face_with_peeking_eye:

:alarm_clock: Deadline: Before official event announcement.

:eyes: Leave your answer in the comments! We will select 3 lucky viewers to give away the same prizes. (US, EU, AU, UK users only)

:sunflower: Whether your answer is correct or not, come and participate! All participants will have a chance to win!


Filament Dryer?


5-axis rotary module?

New fancy buildplates which keep the whole build area with installed quickswap/ bracing kit :wink:

An Artisan A150 would also be nice. With support for 40W and 200W CNC. Small devices are perfect for fast prototyping on desk. The Artisan itself is way to big.

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Jog wheel fine to set the origin for milling.

CAN bus relay output and open collector/optocoupler with PWM output. Fine to switch you’re own vacuum cleaner, filament dryer, 

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Being a giveaway, I assume it’s an existing product. Either a module, machine, or materials. If it’s for an upcoming, unreleased item. Let’s go exotic with a filament welder or encoder wheel. I assume it’ll be a filament dryer or dust collection though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe it’s just a ruse to get us users to submit our own ideas of what we want so they can use it as the idea for their next project! We’re now the think tank. :slight_smile:


I also guess a Filament Dryer.

Since I could use accessories for my Ray
 I’m betting on the new infrared module :smiley:. I know it would be cost intensive, but let me dream a second :blush::wink:

If I were to think “big”, wouldn’t it be insane if the announcement was a Snapmaker 3.0? Which means the prize could be a full blown Snapmaker 3.0, or it could be a new module that debuts on the Snapmaker 3.0, but is cross compatible with the 2.0 and Artisan.

If I were to be more conservative, the announcement could be for a new 3D printer module that can accept 4 different spools of filament at the same time. It would also come with a standalone spool carrier. As for the prizes, they would basically be what was announced.

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I like @buckfast_beekeeper idea of a jog wheel, but then again I would


If it’s a giveaway then I’d say it’s the new laser head.

Multi-material unit, or CO2 laser head 

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CO2 head is basically impossible, there’s nowhere to load the tube, water cooling, mirror array, etc. required for it. The closest on these machines is the IR diode they just released.

Yeah, they would have to create an all-new machine for a CO2 laser. It’s not like they haven’t built standalone single purpose machines before (J1 & Ray), so it’s possible. However, considering how relatively new the Ray is with a 40w blue laser and 2w IR laser, I think Snapmaker would probably focus their energy outside of making additional laser-based products for now and lean more towards 3D printing or even CNC routing.

It would definitely be interesting if they released a standalone CNC Router with a 600w DC spindle or even an 800w AC spindle (that’ll need a VFD though), but if they did then they really need to make sure it’s compatible with Fusion 360 and Vcarve Pro/Aspire out of the box as the CNC side of Luban is too basic to take full advantage of such a machine. I also wonder what a Snapmaker resin 3D printer could be like. Oh the possibilities. :thinking:

Multi material unit :melting_face: :melting_face: :pray:

I would also want to see a vacuum for the cnc or even a cnc toolchanger, although unlikely any of these would make it to the market soon.

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Filament dryer

New Rotary Module version (4-axis) - with tilt function and exchangable chucks.

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A vegan double cheeseburger.


Shipped straight from China? :upside_down_face:

This vegan stuff never goes bad

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Haha LOL :rofl: