Printing TPU Problems

Using TPU (black) with the .4mm nozzle consistently jams between the drive gears and the top of the hot end. Also, the extrusion is too narrow.

I believe the nozzle size is too small for the flow rate so the filament backs up between the drive gears and hot end. I have tried adjusting the flow rate, but that has not helped. I really want a wider extrusion, not a smaller one.

So would a larger nozzle help with both problems?

According to official Snapmaker pages TPU needs to be shore hardness 90 or above. Is your TPU in that regime?

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The item I’m printing needs to be softer than Shore90, I’m using Shore 65A.

I printed with Filaflex Shore 82A without problems using slow speeds, a 0.6mm nozzle and a 3d printed connector, which closes the gap between hotend and exturder. The connector has to be placed on the hot end filament intake before the hot swap nozzle is inserted into the dual extruder.


Great, thanks for sharing, good idea!

I had the same problem as you where the TPU material would get jammed in the gears. Happened several times. I slowed the speed down to around 25 to 30. I also turned retraction off. I think this was the fix. I’m also using a 4mm nozzle.

Stay persistent!

@Lew @MikeH
Yes, you can find the full specifications for all machines here:

The Snapmaker Artisan and J1/J1s support printing TPU with a hardness of 90 or above.