might be a stupid question but is it possible to print PLA on the glass side of the PEI plate ? Print on PEI gives a super rough first layer. Or are there any other plates available ?
Thx 4 help!
might be a stupid question but is it possible to print PLA on the glass side of the PEI plate ? Print on PEI gives a super rough first layer. Or are there any other plates available ?
Thx 4 help!
I haven’t used the PEI side ever on my Artisan and the same should be true of the J1. You just have to add an adhesion agent to the bed, such as Elmer’s glue stick.
No glue needed at all! If z is adjusted properly it pops right of after bed cools. Perfect prints
@pjaegerhh I recommend trying a polycarbonate sheet. It will give you a smooth first layer and great adhesion. Just remember to use sandpaper on the surface between prints…
I have issues with the corners lifting if I don’t use glue.
When printing pla, it is indeed possible to print on the glass surface of PEI boards, as well as on glass boards and flexible platforms
I generally use the smooth side with hairspray for printing with ASA/HIPS. When I print PLA on the same surface, it sticks really well. It’s sometimes hard to get the finished print off, even after letting the plate cool.