Print comes out backwards

First let me say I’m new to this. I designed a dice with words on the 6 sides in relief. The design looks good, when I import it to luben it looks good, when I print it, the word come out backwards. Seems like it’s reversed the left and right commands??

Checked and double checked the cables - all seem correct?

The word reads “Swiss” backwards…

Did you install the X-axis backwards? From the front of the machine, the cable on the X-axis should be coming out of the Linear Module on the right.

While I do see some things in the picture not quite right. Heatbed cable should not cross over the top of the heatbed, and the filament should ride over the top of the spool, not underneath. Also the tool head cable should have a small hook on the back of the right side to keep it out of the way.

You should upload the model and the gcode if you can to see if the problem lies there, or the machine. I’m interested in seeing the gcode in a back plotter.

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I made the small changes you mentioned…

I don’t know what you mean by Goode in a back plotter means…

I did a mirror image one flipped Y Axis, and it works. Buy this is not a final solution. It does same if I design it r I download a design. Flip YAxis just before print and it will work.

Any other thoughts?

Think it’s either a funky screen/processor or the controller. I would like a solution sooner than later. Paid a lo f money for this!!


Use the export to file instead of workspace and upload the gcode file here is what I meant. Random question. When the machine homes, does the bed move to the front, or the back?


That would mean that the Y-modules are installed backwards.

Can you post a picture where the machine is completely in the frame? Is the cable from the Y-modules in the front or back?
If you home the machine, is the bed all the way to the back or to the front?

Based on the image above, I would guess that the bed is homing to the rear, which does mean that the Y-axis Linear Modules are installed backwards.

@jdswan reverse the Y-axis Linear Modules, as it appears that you have installed them backwards. The cables should go out the back, not the front.