I can’t find a solution to this but when the 3d printer starts up it heats up the hot end first then heats up the bed. It seems like a bit of a waste to have hot end heat up then wait 5+ minutes for the bed to heat up as I’m dripping filament. If the printer heats up the bed first then the hot end there would be less waste, more importantly less mess and less likely to under extrusion while the hot end catches up.
So anyway is there a way to reverse the heating up order or would I have to manually edit the G code?
You have to use a different slicer.
Luban doesn’t support custom Start/End-Scripts at the moment.
Manually changing the GCODE is an option but a nasty solution.
Try Cura (Freeware, similar to Luban) or Simplify3D (my choice, but no Freeware)
One fairly easy option although this is still manual intervention of course is to manually set the bed to heat up to at or very close to your target temperature. Then go to files and initiate your print, or connect via Wi-Fi to do it, or whatever.
Hi. There is no way around to use CURA, PuraSlicr or Simplify3D. After playing around almost a month with Luban I (as a newby to 3D Printing) found a great solution to get out the most of SnapMaker 2.0. As others, I use OctoPrint to fully manage and remote controll almost anything as Luban did, and much much more. “Pre-Heat” is an option a loadable “plugin” in OctoPrint doing what you want. You can customize the temperature of your extruder and HeatBed.Or you can “Custom Control” your Dashboard with “Buttons”, to turn on / off the LED /FAN if you have bought in addition the Snapmaker Enclosure (as I did).
So at the moment and the stage of development of Luban, the best choice would be to use CURA in combination with Octoprint; or any other Slicer tool you prefer to be most fexible.
Best of all is the fully intregration in Octoprint of the SnapMaker 2.0.
Yea i agree with all of the above. I use Simplify 3D for my slicing, and before some of the latest firmware releases, I used to manually heat up the bed to over-temp.
I don’t know exactly what Luban does, but at least the older firmware used to not properly “wait for temp” before it processed the next temp. So if you told it to heat the bed and wait for temp first (which Luban did, at least a long time ago), then the next instruction was heat the nozzle and wait for temp, the firmware controller would start BOTH heating processes at the same time.
My guess is whoever was writing the original firmware thought that it would be more efficient to allow both of the temps to start up together. And yes “technically” that’s true time-wise. but in the real world, the more damaging results is just as you said: the nozzle sitting at temp for an excessive amount of time NOT pushing filament through, essentially “baking” it in. So they did change that in the firmware to do it “like it’s supposed to”.
I still agree that Luban, while a fine enough “new company” program, it’s not something that snapmaker has invested enough staffing or top notch professional services in to support in the proper way, like other companies like Simplify3D, which is probably why they opensourced it, though i don’t know their process for taking pull requests and such (or how much of it is actually open source yet, i think they are still stalling on much of it).
M104 S[extruder0_temperature] T0 ; Set temps
M140 S[bed0_temperature]
G28 ; home all axes
M109 S[extruder0_temperature] T0 ; Wait for temps
M190 S[bed0_temperature]