PETG printing problems - computer disconnects

I’ve got the Snapmaker 2.0 with the enclosure and dual extruder. Its been working great for a while. I’ve only recently started printing petg and I’m starting to see the Snapmaker failing shortly after starting the print. I get a couple of layers in and the computer disconnects. I have to turn it off and back on and start over. It doesnt always happen but its happening most of the time. I thought maybe I was drawing too much power with the extra temperature but even with the fan and led strip off its still failing.

Any suggestions?

Hi cap’n, not really an answer for you, but I have noticed that since upgrading to Luban 4.10.2 I’ve been having lots of trouble making a connection to my A350T over WiFi. So, I don’t even try to maintain a connection while using the machine. I upload any work files to the machine over WiFi, then force a disconnect and drive the job from the LCD panel. BTW, I see 4.11.0 is now available, time to update…

I’m using octoprint so everything is local. Its the snapmaker main board that goes offline. It completely shuts down and the little display says it has disconnected.

Your title and first post says the computer disconnects, but your next post seems to say something else. How are you connecting from PC to the machine?