PETG does not stick to groundplate

while printing with petg the product keeps coming loose from the base plate.
Is there anyone familiar with this problem and if so does anyone know what the solution is. i have already tried with 3d lac sprai but that doesn’t help either. according to the petg data you have to work with an unheated bed.

Um, what? The recommendation for PETG is that you heat the bed to 60C-ish. I’ve been using the same settings Luban defaults to for PLA (70C → 50C) when printing PETG, plus glue stick, and don’t usually have adhesion problems.

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What did you print that worked with the PLA parameters?

I had this same problem originally with PETG.

I’ve personally found that adhesives actually hindered more than they helped, but everyone else disagrees with me there.

What I’ve found is that specifically for PETG, both too high and too low can cause adhesion issues. You need to have the absolute perfect first layer, or it won’t stick:

I was able to figure out the “perfect” first layer by following 90% of what the SM guide says, but, on the step where it says “lower the head until the card curls while pressing in, but drags out freely”, you instead only lower the head (in the .05mm increments) until you barely get tension on the card, I basically have it that I can still slide the card underneath, but as I do, it kinda just barely catches on the head (also also, make sure your nozzle is clean when doing the leveling process). It also helps greatly to do a “heated level” (you can do this by using luban to set a temperature, then using the screen to start the leveling process). I’ve found that heating up to 70C can cause a .03mm deviation, so if you’re supposed to be adjusting to .05mm accuracy, .03 can easily ruin the level.

Additionally, make sure the bed is clean, just spill some IPA (alcohol, not beer) on the bed and wipe it down with a paper towel.

One thing that really helped me was switching to a different brand of PETG. I was originally using PolyMaker PolyLite and I couldn’t get anything to stick. After reading praises on this forum, I switched to MatterHackers Build series, and was finally able to get it to stick down. That being said, I’m also finding that I can now magically use the PolyMaker PETG, so maybe it was something else in my process (I wanna point to proper leveling, as that’s the thing I’ve become most religious about).

A final thing that could help (again, it was part of my journey to getting PETG to stick, but now doesn’t seem to be absolutely necessary since I can do PETG w/o it): make sure your filament is dry. If you have an oven that can go down to 150F/65C, try popping some filament in there overnight. I personally just use a food dehydrator, and that seems to do the trick.

It might also be the print settings, you can check out my latest print settings setup for superslicer if you’re willing to jump to a new slicer (imo, I keep coming back to super slicer, but others on this forum have other favorites).

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Among other things, six of these: Filament Dryer Spacer for Salton VitaPro and Self-Mate by acwest - Thingiverse (the 60-100 version, since that’s the only one that will fit on an A150) and some parts for this: Universal stand-alone filament spool holder (Fully 3D-printable) by CreativeTools - Thingiverse .

Note that I only used the PLA heat settings for the bed, not the nozzle. While the PETG filament I have actually can print at 200C, as I discovered by accident, the interlayer adhesion in the resulting prints is terrible, so they come apart if you look at them funny. :sweat_smile:

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thanks nivekmai for the detailed explanation. I wil try this. Now I have seen your drawing i think the nozzel is calibrated to that’s the first thing i’m going to adjust

Thanks! Good to know.

Best to use a glue stick, it puts a PVA layer between the print and the bed, which works well for me.

I’ve used painters tape, and have had no issues with adhesion.

+1 for glue stick with PETG
