Only Able to Print at Default Temperatures

I’ve been trying to print PETG and was having problems with first layer adhesion. I noticed that when I start the print the temperatures are only going up to 215 on the nozzle and 60 on the bed even though I have them set to 235 and 80 in Luban. I thought it might be a bug with the wireless method of printing from Luban so I then tried sending the file to my printer and printing from the touchscreen and had the same issue. I also tried exporting to the usb in case it was just an issue with the wireless communication, but the issue continued. I though maybe it was just a problem with the way the gcode was executed because I saw another post on here about and issue with header temperatures vs temperatures farther down in the gcode. So I tried manually changing the printing temperatures from the touchscreen before the print, before I clicked start it showed the correct temps, but as soon as I clicked start it reverted back to the default temps. Any ideas what’s causing this and how i can fix it?
(Running latest Luban and touchscreen firmware)

edit:I just manually checked the gcode exported from Luban and it shows the temps as 215 and 60, i can manually change these but why is it not putting the correct temps in the gcode to begin with. This also doesn’t explain the manual change on the touchscreen not working