[Official] Documents & Tutorials

All documents and tutorials that will help you familiarize with the Snapmaker will be collected under this topic. FAQs are collected under FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). If you are new to 3D printing, laser engraving or CNC carving, it’s suggested to read through the documents and watch the tutorials first. It will save you a lot of troubles.

If your question is not answered in any of the documents or topics, please create a topic under the Hardware category or Software and Firmware category based on the problem you are facing. New users are required to read the existing topics for 10 minutes before creating new topics.

If you think some of the operations such as calibration need more detailed instructions or tutorials, please reply your suggestions here. We will keep improving the support materials together. Thank you!:wink:

If the problem you have can’t be solved in the forum, please contact our technical support team at support@snapmaker.com.


  1. Manual for 3D Printing
  2. Manual for Laser Engraving
  3. Manual for CNC Carving


  1. 3D Printing

  1. Laser Engraving (Updated 4/24/20)
  1. CNC Carving (Updated 4/30/20)

Calibration tutorial doesn’t fit my received printer. My menu option says “Z Offset”, and when I try it it stack on “Homing…” for more than 10 minutes

Hi Vabavia,

The tutorials will use the latest machine to illustrate how to use it. Your printer has the option “Z Offset” because it is not the latest version.


I have been slow to get started with my Snapmaker…(busy with other things). I started earlier this week with the laser and it is fantastic. Now about to start with 3D printer… a new experience for me. I have downloaded a number of projects from other great users such as @jstncrft

Before I can walk, I am crawling. The tutorial depicts a leveling test print with a cross inside a square. Where can I find this file? I found the second test file snapmaker.stl


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It’s here: [Official] Ready to MAKE for 3D printing

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Thank you for that. I was so keen to get started I ran ahead and used one of the projects on Thingiverse for the filament guide designed by @kelvin8r

For a first ever 3D project for me, it was a perfect experience. A couple of photos below. Pity I am not a good photographer.


I am off and running… much to learn and try. The laser is excellent, I have spent the last week using that. This week I will make a few more 3D projects and then have a trial on the CNC. I can see what I will doing for the next few months.:grin::grin::grin:

Have a great week



@doug, your print turned out really well. Isn’t 3d printing fun? :grin:

There are several great projects on Thingiverse to customize the Snapmaker. The Storage for Snapmaker accessories and tools is one of them.


Hi @kelvin8r

I was not sure what to expect. The quality was brilliant; I only used the Normal Quality print option. At first go for a minute it would not stick to the hotplate. So I added a raft base and restarted and all went brilliantly well. Thank you for the great project to get started with. I will be printing a number of the Snapmaker projects on Thingiverse while I come to grips with Fusion 360 in design a few bits and pieces for my RoboChair project.

The Snapmaker is a great little machine for hobbyist/R&D people like me.

Keep having fun; I am


Hi @kelvin8r

I was not sure what to expect. The quality was brilliant; I only used the Normal Quality print option. At first go for a minute it would not stick to the hotplate. So I added a raft base and restarted and all went brilliantly well. Thank you for the great project to get started with. I will be printing a number of the Snapmaker projects on Thingiverse while I come to grips with Fusion 360 in design a few bits and pieces for my RoboChair project.

The Snapmaker is a great little machine for hobbyist/R&D people like me.

Keep having fun; I am


@doug I printed the same object but mid project I noticed too that it was not sticking to the plate so what I did is I used the custom setting and change the temp of the bed plate to 70° instead of the default 50° and it worked ! It stuck all the way to the finished object :slight_smile:

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Keep in mind I am a newbie and any of my suggestions, although they work fro me, nay not be the correct answer.

The only change I made was to add a RAFT base to start with. I have found using RAFT is great for most projects

Calibration is very important. Did you calibrate before printing?

Also under the custom setting you can raise the temperature for initial the initial layer. However in using RAT I have not had to do that.

Keep having fun



I also printed the other filament guide by @jstncrft
I added a RAFT base and Touch Buildplate support https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2683875

I did not change the default temperatures

(Thanks @jstncrft for the neat design)


@doug I too am a newbie so it is all trial and error for me :wink: Yes I did calibrate before but I find that the instruction (press down until you feel a “sligth” resistance on the piece of paper) is a bit vague. So I tried different calibration position and I think I’ve find the correct one, again, trial and error :slight_smile:



I have found that if I calibrate (the four corners) each time that I turn on the Snapmaker, I have no problems. The art of slight resistance is the key I have found. In my case is is not as light as being able to move the paper easily, rather I have it so there is good resistance in moving the paper… not enough that it tears through. I have printed a number or project taken from Thingiverse which I have posted photos on the Facebook Snapmaker Enthusiast & Users Group. Join the group if you have not already done so.

Keep having fun

Doug :grin:

I have as “yannic delisle” there is a Doug Livingstone there is that you ? if so, small world :wink:

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Hi @delislehatte

I am said one Doug Livingstone, residing in Brisbane Australia… born in Greenock Scotland, many, many moons ago,


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I have the same experience. 70℃ printing bed + tight calibration work well.

Otherwise it’s very often that the model would loose from the plate in the middle of printing, and all mess up. I failed more than 5 times to find this out.

Take a look at the very first strings being printed, if they are pressed flat on the plate, it would be fine.
If they are round, there gona be trouble.

BTW, I always use brim to help.


@Rainie @whimsycwd

I just looked at the latest 3D printing manual and there is no reference to calibration. I was looking for it to point out to another user



It’s in the Quick Start Guide, starting on page 15.

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