No filament coming out during print. Nozzle lowering below previously set Z-level

I was printing without issue, and then I noticed one of prints wasn’t sticking after a filament change, so I tried to re.calibrate. After that, I haven’t been able to get any filament to come out during print time. It feeds through fine outside of the print. I tried changing the nozzle. I tried adjusting the Z-axis to be too high. On one of the occurrences, it melted the print sheet. On another, it lowered below the print bed and dragged along the side. On the last one I caught on video, it dragged the print sheet and damaged it. I adjusted in print to raise the z-axis 2 mm and still nothing came out during the print.

I’ve seen a couple other threads on this and tried some solutions, but nothing seems to work. It feels like the machine doesn’t listen to the calibration settings I change and even alter them during print. It’s like it’s always going lower than my z-axis setting. I keep setting the temperature to 220, at it goes back to either 200 or 205 as well. I have tried 3 different filaments, I have a filament guide. I’ve replaced the brass nozzle. I swapped the entire hot end.

Additionally, I have been trying to find a replacement print sheet, but they seem out of stock everywhere. I was obviously trying to get the printer to work first before replacing it, but I also won’t be able to print properly with the surface damaged I’d assume.

Hi TraskFamilyLettuce, you can contact our support at for solutions.