Machine has been properly assembled and cables all appear properly connected. I am forced into the set-up process when I power on and it fails in the auto leveling step. The print head comes down and digs into the plastic print mat, tries to moves through the first positions, and then retreats half way up the X axis and stops at the far left of the Y axis. The set-up program moves to the manual reference point step where I am supposed to set the clearance of the print head, but obviously the print head is not in the right place. Not sure what to do next.
Check which holes you mounted the module to, my immediate guess is you mounted it incorrectly, which is why it gouged the plate
I have confirmed the 3D printing head is installed correctly. I saw another post where the user found an issue with the physical positioning of the sensor. I note that the sensor has an adjustable slot and screw on the side of the print head, though it is the lowest position already (closest to the table surface). The print nozzle is definitely below the scanner and the plastic guards on either side.
Does your proximity sensor light up when triggered?
Lets see some photo’s of what you are describing along with what the screen is showing for the different menu options, also please take a back photo of the four screws and their locations on the mounting plate for the module
Problem solved. The prior owner had the X and Y converter cables backwards. That explains why the unit was never used!
So it was not “properly” assembled. I will start asking this first now
Yep. Everything was correct where all the cables connect on the riser, but not on the converters under the table.